Kirjoittaja: Minä, Phione
Ikäraja: Sallittu
Genre: Taitaapa tämä hivenen romancefluffia ollakin.
Fandom: Once Upon a Time aka Olipa Kerran
Paritus: Swan Queen alias Emma Swan/Regina Mills/Evil Queen
Vastuuvapaus: En omista sarjaa enkä sen henkilöitä tai mitään muutakaan siihen liittyvää. Mitenkään en tästä hyödy.
A/N: Ehdottomasti yksi vaikeimmista kirjoittamistani ficeistä, eikä ainoastaan sen takia että tämä on englanniksi. Ja englanniksi tämähän on, koska sarjan olen katsonut kokonaan englanniksi, ja tuntui jotenkin epäluonnolliselta ryhtyä kirjoittamaan tätä ficinpoikasta suomeksi. Olen pahoillani jos mielestänne pahoinpitelen englannin kieliopin täysin. Koen Reginan hankalaksi hahmoksi kirjoittaa, mutta jostainhan sitä oli aloitettava, että Paritusketjuhaasteessa alkuun pääsisin. Osallistuu tosiaan siihen Swan Queenilla, Fandom10:iin OUaT:illa ja Femme10-haasteeseen Swan Queenilla. Menee myös Multifandom-haasteeseen.
"I know you missed me, Regina." Emma's voice sounded just as annoying Regina had remembered it. She didn't like Emma's attacks to her house. Blonde made her bit nervous, and she hated it. No one had ever before made her nervous. Except Daniel. But Emma Swan surely wasn't Regina's long lost love, and definitely meant nothing to her. But still, she was nervous.
"What makes you think that I would miss you, miss Swan?" Regina said sharply, without looking Emma who leaned against the doorframe. Once again she reminded herself about the fact that she needed to tell Henry not to bring miss Swan near to her house. She didn't want to see her and she had told her that, but obviously Emma was far too stubborn to believe her. Somehow she saw through Regina's armor. Somehow it was terrifying to admit that she did miss Emma. Their conversations left her always amazed how pleasant was to talk with her. She was Storybrooke's mayor and the Evil Queen, so there was not so many people who wanted to talk to her.
"We both know that you missed me, so just admit it. Then I'll leave", Emma sighed. Regina measured her options for a little while. If she would admit that she did missed her, Emma would go away and leave her with her own problems. If she wouldn't admit, sheriff would never leave her alone.
"Yes, Emma. I missed you. Would you now leave me to do my work?" She finally lifted her eyes from the letter she was writing, and looked straight to Emma. She noticed that the blond was wearing the same red leather jacket she always wore. Her savior smirked to her and Regina snorted.
"This is exactly the reason why I didn't admit that. When I ever decide tell you something like that you become very irritating." But Emma just smiled to her. Regina was stunned how Emma had enough courage to face her even when she told her to leave, when she was being cold and emotionless. Even then when she claimed to herself that she didn't like Emma at all. Regina wasn't sure what Emma was to her. She liked her and she enjoyed her company. Sometimes she caught herself of thinking what if they would be together. That scared her. Regina had loved no one else than Daniel in her whole life. And her mother had killed him. Cora was no longer alive, thanks to Emma's mother. Regina's mother didn't treat her daughter well, but she had been heartless. Cora had took her own heart, paying the price of power. And that had cost her daughter's happiness. Cora was no longer there to ruin her life. She missed her mother. And hated Snow White even more. That woman had now took her Daniel and her mother. But also Snow White had gave her Emma. Regina felt like Emma was worth it. That made her scared. She was afraid of her own feelings.
"I know it. Well, do you still want me to leave or can I stay?" Emma still kept her bit mocking smile on. Regina's brow furrowed. She did want her to stay, but she just couldn't say it. Being nervous was new to her, and she didn't quite like it.
"You can stay," she murmured quietly, letting her gaze fall again to her papers. If she had kept her eyes up, she would have seen Emma's smile, wider than any of the smiles she had smiled to her before.