Kirjoittaja Aihe: Twilight: I'm sorry, so sorry, K-11, E/B eng.kielinen  (Luettu 2469 kertaa)


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Title: I'm sorry, so sorry
Author: tiny
Pairing: Edward/Bella
Rating: T, K-11
Genre: romance, angst
Fandom: Twilight
Summary: E and B were teenage sweethearts, but something broke them apart. What was it? Will Bella forgive him for breaking her heart?
Warnings: rough language

A/N: This is my first Twilight fic and first fic I've written in English, so remember that. This idea just jumped in my head and I wrote it in one day, or two, I don't remember anymore. I love reviews, so review.

I'm sorry, so sorry

Hi, I’m Bella and I’m the CEO of Hunter enterprises. I’ve been the leader of this corporation for about five years. Our business have been good, but lately we have been forced to make some cut backs and now there is a fusion going on. A fusion with Cullen Corporation, whose boss is my teenage sweetheart, Edward Cullen. Who, by the way, shattered my heart and left me bleeding, not literally of course, but you get the picture.

So, today morning, when I walked in the building, I went to the elevator, got to the floor 22 and walked out of the elevator. When in the elevator, I was preparing myself to the meeting I would be in less than 30 minutes, with Edward Cullen himself. My assistant, Maggie, bid me good morning and carried on before I had time to say anything.

“You have three visitors.”
“Thanks, Maggie”, I said and walked to my office door, took a deep breath and opened the door.

There they stood Carlisle, Esme and Alice Cullen. A couple, whom I used to call mom and dad, because mine weren’t so good at parenting and my former best friend, they all were so smiley and looked happy, like they were happy to see me, I stepped in and closed the door behind me and then I went behind my desk, put my coat to the closet and turned to face to future.

“Bella!” Alice practically shrieked, almost jumping up and down, “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Bella”, Esme sighed sounding pleased with something, I don’t know what. And finally Carlisle opened his mouth.
“It’s so good to see you, Bella”, he said, “You look just like you did nine years ago.” Yes, it’s been nine years since I saw even one of the Cullen’s or heard anything about them.
“Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, Ms. Cullen”, I said in a voice, which I was told that was very professional.
“Bella, we are over that, have been for years”, Carlisle sight, not sounding pleased like his wife. “We all have known you when you were a little girl.”

“A lot have changed since I was a little girl Mr. Cullen”, I continued at the professional line, “I thought you were here to discuss about business.”
“We just came to see you, Bella”, Alice said quietly, which wasn’t like her, “Edward handles the business, not us.”
“Then I’m sorry, then you have to leave, I’m very busy woman.”
“Isabella Marie Swan!” Esme said in an amazingly strong voice, almost startling me, “don’t be so rude.”
“It’s Hunter, not Swan”, I corrected her. They all went to shock, when they heard my words. They all were silent for a minute, but then Carlisle got his voice back.
“You’re married? Why didn’t you tell us?” He asked quietly, almost like he was disappointed, “We would have loved to come to your wedding or at least sent you a card and congratulations.”

“Yes, I was married, but I don’t understand, what good an invitation to my wedding would have done to you. If you would have come, then Edward would have probably come too and made a scene that is what he was famous of.”
“Edward will be devastated”, Alice whispered under her breath.
“What do you mean you were married?” Esme asked, noticing my choice of words, “do you mean you’re divorced?”
“No, I’m a widower, my husband died in Iraq two years ago.”
At that same moment, Edward walked in, whitout knocking.

“You’re married?” he asked, sounding out raged and disappointed at the same time, “to whom?”
“James Hunter”, I said proudly, “this was his firm, but I got it after he died.” I kept my voice cold, just like my face and especially my eyes.
“You mean the wimp, who was in the same grade as us, always drooling after you?”
“You will not speak about my husband in that tone, Mr. Cullen”, I said angrily, “James is an awarded soldier, who died for his county, a lot more than anyone can say you about you.”
“Mr. Cullen? Is that how things are going to be between us, Bella?” Edward asked, sounding angrier by the second.
“Yes, how else would they be Mr. Cullen?”
“You didn’t use to call me Mr. Cullen when you were under me, moaning my name.”
“That was nine years ago, and I was naive, a lot younger, inexperienced and much more stupid, at the time. But I’m grown”, I said feeling very smug as Edwards face well.
“Mom, dad, Alice, would you leave us alone for a second?” Edward said in a silent, but strong voice.
“We’ll wait in the hall”, Carlisle said as he ushered his daughter and wife out of the room.

“Do you really hate me so much, Bella?” Edward asked, taking a step closer to me, I backed away. “Don’t our history mean anything to you anymore?”
“It’s just a path which I don’t want to take anymore”, I answered. He took another step closer to me, “that path has too much hurt in there.”
“Bella”, he sight, “there is still a lot good in there. We were good together. We were good. Don’t say you forgot.” I didn’t say anything, so he continued. “You can’t say you forgot that I was the first one to touch you. I was the first one to make love to you, first one to take you. I was the first one who loved you like that. And you loved me back, just like I loved you.” He was now right in front of me and I were just inches of the wall behind me.
“You didn’t love me, Edward”, I said, quietly, I wasn’t even sure if he heard me, “no one who loves someone does like that to the people who they love.”

“I did love you, Bella Marie”, he whispered to my right ear, making me shiver, “I can’t explain why I did what I did. I don’t have a reason, just excuses. I could say that I was afraid what was happening to us, that I was afraid of the future, but it’s not an explanation. I can’t defend what I did, I know it was wrong, I even knew it while I did it, but I still did it. And I’m sorry, so sorry. I’ve have regret it these whole nine years because I know that, if I wouldn’t slept with Tanya, we would still be together. And we would have a beautiful nine year old whit us.
“If I hadn’t done what I did we would be married by know and probably have more than one beautiful child. You have to know, Bella, you have to know that a day hasn’t pass in the last nine years that I hadn’t hoped that that would be my life. I hope every day, that I would finally be able to ask you to forgive me, to give me another chance”, Edward pleaded. His voice was like tons of bricks, so heavy, maybe guilt, I don’t know.

When he had cheated on me with Tanya, his old girlfriend, I had been pregnant. Four weeks, barely. I was freaked out, light put; I was just eighteen years old, barely an adult myself. Edward knew, I told him the second when I found out. We had been going out for over two years, everybody knew we were an item, everybody thought us as the golden couple or something like that. Our relationship had been close to perfect, of course we fought sometimes, but we were mainly okay all the time.
Edward was as shocked as me when I told him I was pregnant, and for week or so he was really distant. I didn’t blame him, it was shocking, but still, I was the one pregnant, not him. Then one day I went to his house after school to talk to him. There wasn’t anyone home, but I had my own key which Edward had given me at our second anniversary, so I went inside. I walked straight to his room, there was noises coming out of there but I didn’t think anything about them, I just thought he had his TV on.

Boy was I surprised when I found my over two year boyfriend literally fucking his ex. I dropped everything I had in my hands, I had rented his favorite movie and brought his favorite pizza, and ran. I couldn’t even tell if they had noticed I had been in his room before I heard my phone ringing, Edward’s tune. At this point my cheeks were covered with my tears and mascara. My phone had started ringing just when I had started my car and drove out of the Cullen’s yard. I was driving way to fast, but I just had to get out of there. I was crying uncontrollable and then all of a sudden a dear jumped in front of my car and I tried to duck it.

And that is all I remember of that night. I woke up two days later at the hospital doctors telling me that I had a concussion and that I had lost the baby. My dad, Charlie, had told me that Edward had sad next to my bed the hole two days, crying most of the time. But when I woke up and got coherent enough, I started yelling at him and Charlie kicked him out of the room. That was when he found out Edward had cheated. Charlie told me later that he had almost threw Edward out of the room the second he found out that he had got me pregnant, but that Edward had looked so broken that he let him stay. They had apparently had a conversation about being safe. What I understood Edward told Charlie that we had always been safe, but apparently it wasn’t as reliable as we thought.

Our school year was practically over by then and I left Forks almost immediately. I wasn’t even a day at school after that and I got my diploma in the post, when I was in Phoenix with my mom. Only Cullen that I saw after that night was Carlisle, when he came to check on me and tell me what they had to do to me. Edward tried to come to see me once, but Charlie wouldn’t let him.

“I still love you, Bella”, Edward said voice full of something that I didn’t recognize. “I’ve always loved you, Bella and I will always love you. Please, give me another chance. Give me a chance to prove you that I’ve changed, that I am good enough for you. Please, Bella Marie, give me a chance.”
That’s when I broke down sobbing, I didn’t want to remember all those things, and I had worked so hard to forget them, to put them behind me. I thought I had managed to get them behind me, managed to get over Edward. But there he came, all sweet and could I say loving. Picturing this perfect life that we maybe could have had. Telling me that he loved me, that he had always loved me.
“Oh, Bella, please don’t cry because of me”, Edward sight and took me to his arms, “you’ve done more than enough of that. Please don’t cry because of me.”

“What did you expect then?” I asked between my sobs, “you coming here, saying all those things to me after nine years. I haven’t heard a word from your family in nine years and then in less than two hours I see all four of you and your saying that you love me!”
“I’ve always wanted to tell you that, you have to believe me, Bella, you have to believe me when I say I love you!” Edward whispered, “I’m not asking you to declare your love for me, I know that I killed it years ago, I’m just asking a chance. I’m okay with even a little thing, like getting a coffee at some nearby Café, even that would be wonderful, Bella.”
I wiped my cheeks, trying to get my tears away; thank god I have water proof mascara. And then I started getting up from his lap and standing straight, I felt more confident that way.

“Edward, I’m not su-“
“Please, Bella Marie, just coffee”, he pleaded stepping closer again. “We could even speak about business, if you like. Just casual coffee.”
I thought about it a second, how bad it could be? Edward said just coffee, I could leave any moment I wanted if it wouldn’t go smoothly. And it would be nice if we could actually speak to each other now that we would have to run a company together, less or more together at least.
“Okay, Edward, I can come to coffee sometime”, I said quietly, “but if I want to leave at some point, you can’t stop me any way, is that clear?”
“Crystal”, Edward smiled widely. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody smile so widely before. “You don’t know how happy you’ve made me, Bella Marie.”

The end.

A/N: So what did you think?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 27.11.2014 21:40:51 kirjoittanut Beyond »
Life is what you make it
What goes around comes around mun kijoittamat ficit


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Vs: I'm sorry, so sorry, K-13, E/B eng.kielinen
« Vastaus #1 : 01.12.2011 21:31:23 »
Facebookin kommenttikampanjasta hyvää iltaa!!
Minulta on turha odottaa suurta ihkutusta minkään suhteen, mihin liittyy tämä fandom edes etäisesti, mutta ajattelin nyt mainita muutaman kieleen liittyvän seikan, jotka pistivät silmään tätä lukiessa. Osaan ehdotan korjausta, loppuihin voit sitä pohtia itse (jos en ole varma, mitä olet tarkoittanut tai mikä olisi oikea muoto). Lihavoinnit selkeyttävät, missä kohtaa ongelma on.
Tämän listan jälkeen kyllä kommentoin vähän itse tarinaakin :)

turned to face to future

If you would have come, then Edward would have probably come too and made a scene that is what he was famous of

who died for his county
County on kyllä sana, mutta luulen että country olisi tähän sopivampi. Typo?

Don’t our history mean anything to you anymore?

he sight

there is still a lot good in there.
a lot OF good

I’ve have regret it these whole nine years because I know that, if I wouldn’t slept with Tanya, we would still be together.
Esim. I've regretted it all these nine years because I know that if I didn't sleep with Tanya we would still be together.

And we would have a beautiful nine year old whit us.

a day hasn’t pass in the last nine years that I hadn’t hoped that that would be my life
hasn't passed, haven't hoped

I hope every day, that I would finally be able to ask you to forgive me
that-sanan eteen ei tule ikinä pilkkua, vaikka suomessa että-sanan edessä sellainen on

Edward knew, I told him the second when I found out
jättäisin tuon "when" pois

Edward was as shocked as me
as shocked as I was

and for week or so
a week

there was noises coming out of there
there WERE noises

the Cullen’s yard
the Cullens' yard

a dear jumped in front of my car
a deer

Edward had sad next to my bed the hole two days
had sat / had been sitting; whole

Only Cullen that I saw after that night
the only Cullen

and your saying that you love me

I’m just asking a chance.
asking FOR a chance

thank god I have water proof mascara
God erisnimenä isolla

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody smile so widely
Voiko jonkun kuulla hymyilevän?

The end.
Tarinan kyllä huomaa loppuvan ilman tätäkin. Vaikka ehkä twitardeista ei voi olla niin varma. Ei tämä mikään virhe sinänsä ole, mutta harvemmin tätä ilmoitusta finissä näkee.

Sitten pari huomiota canoniin liittyen:

“You didn’t use to call me Mr. Cullen when you were under me, moaning my name.”
Ilmeisesti Edwardilla ja Bellalla oli siis seksielämä? Onko Edward tässä vampyyri sitäkään vähää kuin Twilightissa itsessään? Samoin vähän hämää, kuinka avoimesti Ed heittää tällaisen kommentin porukoidensa läsnäollessa.

brought his favorite pizza
Syökö Ed pizzaa? Luulin että lähinnä jotain metsäneläimiä. Noh, en todellakaan muista kirjoista kovin paljoa.

Ja sitten itse tarinaan.
Ollakseen suunnattu Twilight-faneille tämä oli ihan toimiva ficci, ja veikkaan että kieli on ainoa syy miksi tätä ei ole kommentoitu aiemmin (Twilight-fanithan ovat keskimäärin nuorempaa porukkaa eivätkä siksi ehkä niin herkästi tartu englanninkielisiin ficceihin). En itse tykkää Twilightin tarinasta enkä hahmoista, joten vaikea arvioida tätä kovin positiiviselta pohjalta, mutta kaiken kaikkiaan juonen olit rakentanut niin että se varmasti kohderyhmäänsä iskee ja toimii - minä en vaan siihen kohderyhmään kuulu. Voisin kuvitella, että monikin Twilight-fani lukisi tätä ficciä ihan mielissään. Ei siis lähtökohdat huomioon ottaen mitenkään huono suoritus.

Toivottavasti minusta ei nyt jäänyt paha mieli ja negatiivinen kuva - ficcisi oli lukemisen arvoinen, vaikka en fandomista pidäkään ollenkaan, ja englannin kielesi kaiken kaikkiaan oikein mainiota, vaikka joitakin erheitä sieltä nyt bongailinkin. Voit olla ihan iloinen tästä ficistäsi :)

RG kiittää ja kuittaa.
"Pardon me for breathing , which I never do anyway so I don't know why I bother to say it, oh God I'm so depressed. Here's another one of those self-satisfied doors. Life! Don't talk to me about life." -Marvin


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Vs: I'm sorry, so sorry, K-13, E/B eng.kielinen
« Vastaus #2 : 10.12.2011 21:13:14 »
Moi, huomautuksesi olivat hyviä ja aivan asiallisia. En tarkoita puolustella itseäni (miltä tämä tulee kuulostamaan) mutta oma englantinin oli silloin kun tämän kirjoitin, eli en edes muista kuinka kauan sitten, omasta mielestäni ei erittäin hyvää. Paljon huononpaa kuin nykyisin ainakin. Osa virheistä on kirjoitusvirheitä, omilleni olen valitettavasti aina sokea, ja osa muuten vain virheitä. Ja joissakin olin mahdollisesti yrittänyt käyttää puhekieltä, en enää itsekään muista varmasti.

Ja aiheesta, itse en enää lue ficcejä suomeksi juuri olleankaan, mutta englanniksi luen kovemman luokan ficcejä, joissa ikärajat ovat luonnollisesti korkeampia. Tästä johtuen oli osaksi suoraa puhetta, vaikka myönnän tosin, että jotkin kohdat hieman tökkivät. Itse tartuin aiheeseen suureksi osaksi siksi, että siitä oli helpompi kirjoittaa englannin kielellä kuin Pottereista olisi. Ja tuolloin olin itsekin vielä aivan mahdoton Twilight fani.

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Life is what you make it
What goes around comes around mun kijoittamat ficit