Author: Layenne
Pairing: Sesshomaru ja... mieluiten ei tietysti kukaan...
Rating: K-11
Fandom: InuYasha
Genre: drama&romance
Disclaimer: Tarina ja lähes kaikki hahmot kuuluvat suurenmoiselle Rumiko Takahashille.
Summary: Tämä novelli on omasta mielestäni sen verran lyhyt, ettei tästä kannata lähteä sepostamaan turhan paljon. Idean käsittää, jos on joskus muinoin seurannut tai seuraa yhä InuYashaa.
A/N: Olen uusi tulokas täällä Finissä, joten en heti lähde vuodattamaan uusimpia novellejani.
Eräs tietty finiläinen suorastaan pakotti minut julkaisemaan jotain ja niinpä olin itkeä silkasta onnesta, kun löysin tämän poltettujen levyjeni alta.
Ole kiltti ja lue tämä ensin. Kirjoitin tämän ficin jokunen vuosi sitten, kun olin palavasti rakastunut InuYasha nimiseen animeen. Sittemmin luin myös mangatkin ja suorastaan huumaannuin. Ficin väsääminen oli siis minun tapani päästä irti tästä sarjasta ja palata todellisuuteen. Koska ficci on niin vanha, siinä on lähes varmasti virheitä… mutten raaskisi niitä korjatakaan.. Koska tämä on sen verran ’symppis’ novelli minulle. Tarina on sutattu helpoksi englanniksi, joten sen lukeminen pitäisi luonnistua yläasteen englannillakin ja ai niin toivottavasti maistuu…
Check out my latest amv.
Beat of Rin's Heart Pilgrim's Kiss “Lord Sesshomaru, are you sure this is the way to that unspeakable villain’s hide-out? There doesn’t seem to be much resistance here”, Jaken explained looking towards a destroyed village.
“Positive. I can sense Naraku’s scent of miasma strong here”, answered Lord Sesshomaru watching intensively the passing clouds of smoke.
Jaken fixed his eyes upon the peculiar thing what had caught his master’s attention. Blink of light ahead grew larger by the second. Moreover, it seemed to come to their direction.
“What is that thing?” asked Rin cautiously behind Aun. “Is it a demon?”
Lord Sesshomaru quickly told Rin that it was best, if she went to the nearby forest and let no one to see her. Rin agreed with absolute obedience. Although, never once did Lord Sesshomaru take his piercing eyes off the sharpened light. Jaken stood beside his master, not knowing, what would lie ahead.
“Lord Sesshomaru?” asked strange looking woman who had just a moment ago walked briskly from the light that had now dimmed considerable. Woman’s narrow eyes were almost entirely absorbed by whiteness of her pupils. She was dressed in a black kimono.
Lord Sesshomaru stared plainly at her, thinking.
“Who are you? And how dare you approach Lord Sesshomaru?!” Jaken shouted angrily.
“I have merely come here to give Lord Sesshomaru a powerful tool against the force of disturbance called Naraku”, odd lady spoke and looked like she was actually serious.
“What is this weapon of yours? And what made you think Lord Sesshomaru would need such assistance?!” again, Jaken shouted reddishly.
Lord Sesshomaru calmly walked next to the intriguing woman with expecting look on her face. By doing so, it looked like, in Jaken’s opinion, that the woman was hugging his great master. Shortly, Lord Sesshomaru wiped the poor woman in half with his poisonous claws without any hesitance. The mysterious lady did not even scream.
“What is this madness?” panicked Jaken leering rapidly around himself.
Lord Sesshomaru’s yellow eyes glanced at the forest. “Rin?”
The cheerful little girl was hopping merrily towards Jaken and Lord Sesshomaru with a huge smile on her pretty face. She was holding hands with a female youkai who was wearing a white kimono with a red honeycomb and flower crest at the collar and sleeves, quite alike Lord Sesshomaru’s.
“Nice to see you, Sesshomaru”, female demon smiled sincerely. Her eyes were pale blue and her long hair golden as autumn wheat.
“Mirabella”, said Sesshomaru wearily.
“Oh, so you do remember me”, replied Mirabella.
To be continued... (Yllä oleva on muuten vihon sivun mitta, jos ihmettelette lyhyyttä.)