Kirjoittaja Aihe: Imagine me without you (EN), K-11  (Luettu 3523 kertaa)


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Imagine me without you (EN), K-11
« : 01.06.2008 17:09:56 »
Imagine me without you
: The idea and the storyline are put together by Ariel Lindt, but I, Minttushka, made it a readable story.
Beta: The wonderful Winga (and NjhV2)
Genre: AU, angst, drama, romance
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Warnings: Slash, angst, very sad, very romantic&Character Death.
Rating: K-11
Disclaimer: The whole Harry Potter world is not ours, it’s J.K. Rowling’s. The song belongs to the artist, Jaci Velasquez.
Summary: Harry and Draco, two completely different characters from two completely different backgrounds. But when Harry started to understand how much alike they really were, they found themselves wrapped in a secret relationship. But when Harry loses Draco to Voldemort, he loses much more than no one ever knew. Can he ever move on, or is he stuck with only the pain of his memories keeping him hanging on?

A/N: The idea of making a video into a story was mine. I thought that it was a good chance for me to learn some good writing skills and to let people read this amazing story that made me cry like hell. The video was the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, and I only hope that if you’ve seen the video you’ll like this text too. Comments are appreceated, since my English is a little rusty and I’m still just learning how to write. You can watch the video here.

As long as stars shine down from heaven
And the rivers run into the sea
’Till the end of time forever
You’re the only love I’ll need

The Hogwarts' lake looked the same as it always had when Harry looked at it from his window. The benches where the spectators had sat during the second task were still there, and further on the horizon lied the Durmstrang’s ship. Harry could still remember the fear and excitement he had on that February day of the second task, when his only problems were eating the Gillyweeg and rescuing Ron. Gee, now it was a little different.

Harry’s mind was completely empty. He couldn’t sleep nor eat, he couldn’t do anything. The memory of the third task pressed his heart like a big, heavy stone. It had already gone a few weeks, but looking at a tree that was standing outside without caring that the wind played with its branches, Harry still remembered exactly what had happened. And he knew the memory was going to hang in his heart for a while.

Yes, this was one thing Harry knew for sure. His mind may had been empty, but when he looked at the firm ground that Hogwarts was built on he saw something familiar on the ground. Even from a distance Harry realized that his mind was doing it again – forming a picture of the one thing Harry knew he was never going to forget. First came the nose, that was just like his father’s nose, followed by the rest of the little narrow face with its peeling, soft skin, and finally – the blue eyes. Harry leaned forward, like to see better the smiling face he saw in the middle of all the fallen leaves. Yes, his mind was certainly doing it again. Showing him a picture of the one person he knew was the hardest one of all to forget.

In my life you’re all that matters
In my eyes the only truth I see
When my hopes and dreams have shattered
You’re the one that’s there for me

Harry leaned back and pressed his head on the wall. He was feeling tired, but he knew he couldn’t sleep. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Draco, his hand pushed against his own, his soft mouth saying comforting words to his ear or just his face, warmed up into a smile that was rarely seen by anyone else but Harry. And once Harry had seen Draco again, he didn’t want to open his eyes again and face the cold world all by his self.

Knowing what was ahead, Harry still closed his eyes and tried to relax. He didn’t try to see Draco, it was his heart that brought him next to him. Harry knew it was bad and he was supposed to get over Draco at some point, but he felt too weak. So he relaxed and let the feeling take him away.

In the middle of his lonely, warm comfrot, he knew everybody had noticed how Harry had been very tired since the task. Still no one had had the courage to ask why. People knew Draco had died somehow, but no one was interested why Harry couldn’t sleep, or if he did, why did he start whispering to the night. Harry was thankful because nobody would’ve understood him anyway if he would’ve said that he always felt Draco’s warmth winded all over his body. No one understood what the boys actually had meant for each other and what Harry had lost. Not even Ron or Hermione. And Harry felt more lost and alone than ever.

When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you
I need you

Tonight Harry saw a different image. He saw himself and Draco, yes, but as little 11-year-olds, meeting for the first time in front of the big wooden doors that led to the Great Hall.

“I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,” Draco said and gave Harry his hand. But Harry didn’t take it.

Harry stared at the pale hand that was offered to him and the face that looked a little arrogant but also friendly at the same time, apparently only for some people. Harry didn’t shake Draco’s hand immediately – he took a look at Ron, who shook his head with a face that screamed ‘no!’. Harry didn’t know if Draco was truly being friendly or if he really wanted Harry to be his friend just because he was famous. And Harry would never know – ‘cause right when he was going to take Draco’s hand as a sign that he was willing to try, professor McGonagall came from the doors and rushed everybody in. Draco was put to Slytherin and Harry to Gryffindor, so they didn’t get a chance even to talk. And so the little 11-year-old Harry never knew what kind of friendship he could’ve had with Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin boy.

Harry felt his eyes burning from that memory. If he only would’ve taken Draco’s hand… they would’ve been friends for so many years, maybe, and not start it in their 4th year. Who knows, what could’ve happened…

These thoughts in his head Harry finally fell into restless dreams full of painful memories. Just like every night.


Imagine me without you
I’d be lost and so confused
I wouldn’t last a day, I’d be afraid
Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you
Don't you know it’s just impossible?
Because of you it’s all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I cant imagine me without you...

Harry woke up the next morning when Ron pushed him awake. He got dressed, ate breakfast and went to their first class of the day – the Care of Magical Creatures. Harry leaned to Hagrid’s stony fence and stared at the sun that was burning down, making the ground dry. Summer was about to come, so when all the Slytherins and Gryffindors were by his hut, Hagrid started to lead the group deeper to the forest.

Hermione and Ron walked right behind Harry, but leaving him to his thoughts. Harry looked back a few times and smiled to the couple, but continued to walk alone. He didn’t want Ron and Hermione to feel uncomfortable or awkward, when there was simply nothing to say. Harry wasn’t that talkative anymore.

Hagrid led the group into an open place into the middle of the woods. The trees around the area were all white birches that stood around the students gracefully, but no one seemed to be interested in them. They were too interested in Hagrid, who announced that he was going to get something for the students – something they all knew already. Harry was too tired of guessing, so he just waited.

Not so long after that, Hagrid came – but not alone. A Hippogriff followed him. Everyone was stunned – they all remembered their class in the 3rd year. But the one Hagrid had brought was even more beautiful than Buckbeak. All the girls were sighing.

“I just thought it might’ve been fun to take a little re-look at these creatures,” Hagrid said. “They really are amazing, and it never hurts to revision! Now, who wants to come and take a good look at Venus right here?”

The girls were sighing even more when they heard the Hippogriff’s name. Still no one wanted to go look at it – maybe it was dangerous?

“How about you, Harry? You know these creatures. Wanna come and stroke ‘er?”

Harry pushed aside the little piece of grass he had held in his hand and got up. “Me?” he asked, sounding very confused.

”Yeah. You could show the others how to deal with these. Remember, slowly.”

Harry looked at Hagrid like he couldn’t believe his ears – he had to stroke another Hippogriff? Hagrid looked desperate, knowing Harry was the only person he could count on, and Harry didn’t want to let him down. So he started walking slowly towards Venus.

Harry’s steps got even slower, when he thought the white creature was taking a different form. It was nothing, she just patted her feet, but Harry was still unsure.

”Go on, Harry. She’s very calm,” Hagrid said. Harry nodded and started to take slow steps again.

Harry had to shake his head, ‘cause it seemed like Venus was changing again. This time she didn’t change back – in a few seconds Harry realized he was watching at a boy. A boy of his age, smirking like always, with the blonde hair around his face. Harry took a look on everyone else on the class, but no one saw anything weird. Hagrid was encouraging Harry to continue while Hermione looked worried. So Harry turned his head back to Draco and slowly lifted his hand.

Harry went by, step by step, with the arm ready to stroke. Not Venus, but Draco’s soft hair. His fingers were tingling out of the excitement of getting to feel Draco’s softness under his fingers, just a little bit more…

And right when he was supposed to stroke his soft cheek, he suddenly disappeared. Harry saw only Venus, looking at Harry with its big, innocent eyes. Harry stopped his walking suddenly.

“Go on, Harry, stroke her!” Hagrid said, but Harry didn’t hear. He let his hand drop to his side. He just stood there, not knowing what to do. Until he took a few steps back and started to run.


Harry ran through the yards and courtyards into the Hall and kept running. He ran over the steps three at a time and never stopped, until he got to the Fat Lady’s painting.

Harry mumbled the password feeling like his lungs were on fire. The painting nodded and threw herself back, so Harry could enter.

Harry started to run. He simply ran, first to the stairs and continued up. He ran like he just had ran on the bigger stairs, with nothing else in his mind but achieving his goal.

Harry pushed the dormitory door open and entered. He saw no one was in – everybody was probably on their lessons. Harry went to his bed and opened the trunk near it.

He started searching for something under all the mess he had in there. He pushed away shirts and socks and all kinds of stupid junk that meant nothing for him. He was starting to feel panic growing, and it didn’t stop until he finally found it.

A photograph. Harry’s fingers found their way on the brown frame and from there onto the glass. Inside it was a photograph of him and Draco, together and happy. They had their arms around each other like they wanted to protect the other one. Harry still remembered the day the photo was taken.

”I don’t want to come to a stupid photo,” Draco said. “That’s not even the right kind of camera!”

Harry sighed. “The picture might not move when it’s done, but it’s still a nice memory. Don’t you want to memorize this moment?”

“What moment? I know we’ve been dating for four months now and all, but is it really that big of a deal?”

Hermione, who had accepted Harry’s request of taking their photo, had no idea why the boys were whispering so much. He knew Harry and Draco were friends, but had no idea that they were actually lovers. Harry hadn’t told her.

“Are you gonna come here or not?” she asked. Harry pulled a reluctant Draco in front of the camera, whispering something that made the boy laugh. Hermione watched as Harry and Draco put their arms around each other.

Hermione never asked Harry why they did that, she just took the photo and gave the camera back to Harry. Then she left the boys to the courtyard.

But she didn’t even have to ask. It was pretty clear.


When you caught me I was falling
Your love lifted me back on my feet
It was like you heard me calling
And you rushed to set me free

“C’mon, mate,” said Ron, later on the common room. Hermione was at the library and Harry and Ron tried to do their homework. But Harry just looked at the playful fire on the fireplace. Ron had just asked if Harry wanted to go for a little walk, but Harry had shaken his head.

“It’ll be fun. I mean, the night’s looking great, and… do you think there’s something we need to talk about?”

Harry glanced at him and sighed deeply. “OK, I guess we do,” he said, closed his ink and put all his homework away.

Ron nodded and did the same as Harry. The boys started walking, but never said a word until they were out. They never said a word to each other until they got to the lake. Ron started to move by it and Harry followed him.

“So, what’s up?” Ron said. “Me and ‘Mione have noticed that something’s not right. You’ve been so… far away.”

“Nothing’s up,” Harry said. “I’m just… nothing. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Tell me, mate. Maybe I do.”

Harry glanced Ron again, just like before in the common room. “Fine. Erm, you still remember the third task, right?”

Ron nodded. “That with the maze and the portkey?”

“Exactly,” Harry said. “I don’t know if you noticed, since it was pretty crowded, but… erm…”

“What?” Ron asked. He was looking worried, which was an unusual sight.

Harry sighed. “I think it’s best if I start all over.”

Later, Harry had explained everything to Ron. He knew Ron couldn’t do anything, since he didn’t have a time machine, but Harry felt relieved when he got everything our of his chest. The pain was still there, but at least he had someone to share it with.

“So, you and Malfoy were… together?” Ron said, whispering the last word.


“Like… together?”


“You and… Malfoy?”

“God, Ron, yes!” Harry said, feeling frustrated. “I loved Draco and he loved me. Isn't that clear for you?”

“Yes, it’s pretty clear. I’d have never thought in a million years that you and Malfoy…"
“Well, it’s pretty complicated,” Harry said. He noticed they were in the same place where Harry had rescued Sirius last year. But the memory didn’t even mean that much for him anymore, since he hadn’t heard from him throughout the whole year.

“So… I guess his death was a big deal for you?” Ron said.

Harry sighed once again, and nodded. His head was down.

”Sorry,” Ron said.

”Sorry? For what?”

”I never thought… I mean… I’ve been such a jerk to you…”

“What? What do you mean?”

Ron looked suddenly very regretting and slightly frightened.

”Ron? What have you done?”

“I… it’s not that much, I swear… I’ve just been talking to Hermione lately about your behavior… and I… The things I’ve said…”

Suddenly Harry didn’t hear a word he was saying. He looked at the place he had said the Patronus, and noticed something was glowing from there. Something that was as white and glowing as a Patronus.

When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you, I need you

“So I’m… Harry, are you even listening?”

But Harry had shut his ears. The white glow on the other side wasn’t as bright anymore, it was slowly fading away. Harry pushed Ron.

“Do you see that?” he asked.

”See… what?” Ron asked back, confused.

“That! That light!” Harry said and pointed on the other side. The light was still there, though it was barely seeable.

“What light?” Ron said, looking at the direction where Harry had pointed. “Harry, are you feeling OK?”

But Harry didn’t listen. He noticed that the light was almost gone and a person stood there, in the middle of it. The blonde boy Harry was very familiar with.

“See? Can you see that?” he asked from Ron and pushed him forward. “That! There! He’s there!”

Ron looked on the other side but suddenly stopped and sighed. Harry sounded desperate, like he really wanted Ron to believe he saw Draco. But Ron didn’t see anything else but rotting trees.

Harry stopped pushing Ron and looked at Draco, who was smiling. His smile was soft and friendly, like calling Harry. Harry smiled back, feeling peaceful and forgot to think how it could’ve been possible that Draco was alive. Harry had suddenly forgotten he had laid on his dead, bleeding body. It didn’t matter anymore. Nothing did.

Ron took one last look at Harry, who looked like he was in heaven. The exhaustion and fear that normally was on his face was gone. He looked… hopeful.

Ron didn’t want to break the spell, so he stood by Harry. He didn’t know that if he had pulled Harry back immediately, he never would’ve noticed that Draco started to disappear. Slowly, fading into the black that was behind him. ‘Till Harry didn’t see him anymore.

Maybe then Harry wouldn’t have felt like he was being left alone in the dark. Once again.


Imagine me without you
I’d be lost and so confused
I wouldn’t last a day, I’d be afraid
Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you
Lord, you know it’s just impossible

Later, in his bed, Harry was rolling around. He was sleeping, but his body apparently didn’t think so. He couldn’t stay still when his mind was again there where it was not supposed to be.

Harry walked to the Great Hall, next to Hermione and Ron. His feet were still hurting from the night before, but it was nothing compared to the burning he felt inside. The Great Hall was not happy as usual, it was dark. The big windows were shut with great, big curtains and the magical ceiling was just black - all the stars and clouds were missing. The teachers sat on their table, looking serious and very sad, especially professor Snape. His head was down, looking at his plate, so no one saw what was going on his face. Maybe he was crying, maybe not.

Dumbledore sat in the middle, looking serious. He didn’t chat or smile like he usually did, he was just sitting and looking at all the students. When the trio walked in, his eyes found Harry, but he quickly changed his view.

Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table. Dean Thomas was right next to him, but Harry didn’t feel like talking at all. His eyes quickly found the table and he let his hair cover up his face that was completely empty.

The Slytherins were all down, and suddenly the Great Hall seemed to be one big black hole. It was like everybody was quiet and waiting for Dumbledore to start the speech.

“We’re here today to honor someone we have lost,” he said. “Someone who left before his time.”

The teachers looked at Dumbledore, who didn’t stand. He sat on his chair and didn’t try to look big or anything else. He talked slowly about the biggest tragedy Hogwarts had faced in a long while.

”Yesterday we all lost a great, bright student. He was a Slytherin, and some of you might’ve thought he was evil or arrogant. This he may have looked like to be, but he was not. He was born in a rich family and was raised to be discriminative towards people. But it wasn’t the real him. There was something more underneath."

Harry pressed his head, if possible, even more down.

“This real person inside the shell was seen very rarely. He only let the people he loved see that vulnerable side. He was not too proud – he was simply too afraid. And all the people who got the chance to see this side, the chance of getting to know this boy – they have a big grief ahead of them. A grief of the death of Draco Malfoy.”

Pansy Parkinson started crying quietly, but nobody knew what to do. So she cried alone among all the other Slytherins.

“Losing someone is never easy,” Harry heard Dumbledore say. But he didn’t hear it clearly. It was like something was blocking his ears from hearing the speech. “Especially someone who you loved. And because he was loved by so many people, I think you have the right of hearing how he died – he was murdered, cold-bloodedly, by Lord Voldemort. Out of pure innocence. But that’s exactly what makes Voldemort so strong – he doesn’t attack us immediately. He wants to make us weaker by making us suffer. And that’s why it’s so important that we all learn from this experience.”

Dumbledore took a moment and looked at all the students on the Hall. “We all have difficult times lying ahead of us. A war is on it’s way, between the good and the bad. I only hope from my heart that you will be able to make the right choice. Draco Malfoy did this, and at the same time let down his parents expectations towards him. He fought for what’s right, and not for what was safe. We can all take him as a good example on how to be strong. And if we all can learn from this, I’m sure that Draco didn’t die for nothing.”

Dumbledore ended the speech and said it was time for a quiet moment, to respect Draco. During that moment Harry started crying, for the first time because of love. He let the tears go down his cheeks and fall into the hard wood table, only wishing he could vanish like the tears did.

But he couldn’t. He just had to sit and listen, and cry quietly without anyone knowing.


Because of you it’s all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I cant imagine me without you

When I found you I was blessed
And I will never leave you
I need you

Imagine me without you
I would feel lost and so confused
I wouldn’t last a day without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you
Lord, you know it’s just impossible

Harry had always thought Quidditch to be the best way to handle things. Up in the skies, in the middle of clouds, you are free. Free from the agony that you feel. Free from your feelings.

Harry flew his Firebolt up to the skies and started circling. There was no one else on the field, and the sky was just like it was supposed to be in the beginning of the summer – quiet. The sun was shining and there was no sign of rain or thunder. Harry felt peaceful.

The wind played with his hair, blowing it backwards so that Harry could see. He flew almost in the middle of the clouds – he simply loved the feeling. And he had many things to run away from.

Harry flew a little while, until he felt a hit on his broomstick. He turned his head around but didn’t notice anything. He thought it was best to check, so he flew firmly to the ground and dropped off from his broom.

He checked everything, but nothing was wrong. Harry wondered what the bump was and took a look at the sky. It was still peaceful, but not as blue as it had been before. The sky had gotten darker.

Harry glanced at the sky, and his eyes caught something small. Something that was also flying on a broom. Harry hadn’t noticed the other flyer before – he had thought he was alone.

But there was still someone, dressed in Slytherin green. Even from far away Harry noticed he was flying a black broom, probably Nimbus 2001. Harry tried to see the flyer’s face, but he was too far away.

Harry’s curiosity won and he jumped on his broom. He started flying towards the boy wondering why he hadn’t said anything to Harry. When Harry started getting closer to the boy, his stomach suddenly ached. It cant be, Harry thought, not again…

But Harry was right. While he was getting closer he recognized the blonde hair that came from under the glasses. And that mouth that was smirking at Harry, and opened up. “Hey Potter, why are you practicing, Slytherin’s gonna get the cup anyway!” he shouted.

Harry never stopped. He kept flying, feeling his stomach and heart aching. He knew it was wrong, but he kept flying. And it wasn’t before he was about twenty yards away from the boy that he noticed he started vanishing again.

“No…” Harry whispered. “Not this time…”

Harry tried to fly faster, but couldn’t. He got to the boy quickly, but wasn’t fast enough – the boy had already disappeared.

“No…” Harry mumbled. He simply couldn’t believe that he was standing on the place where Draco had been. He still heard his voice in his ears.

Then Harry felt something break. Inside. He didn’t even notice he was doing it, until his feet hit the ground and he started running.

It seemed like his feet knew better where he was going. He left his broomstick on the field, lying on the grass all by itself, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t stop.

He kept running, through the yard and into the dark forest. He went through the area where he had patted Venus, he ran through the trees and bushes. Night was coming and cold wind made him shiver, but it didn’t matter. He just ran.

Harry’s head noticed he was into the spot where he had seen Lord Voldemort with Draco in their first year. And that’s when he stopped and looked around.

The area was still looking the same, like it was hallow. The forest was completely quiet except for the leaves that pressed against each others in trees. Harry’s feet were tired after all the running and simply couldn’t take it – they let Harry fall onto the ground.

That’s when the memories started to come.

”You’ll do fine,” said professor Moody in front of the giant maze. “You and Diggory are gonna go in first. Don’t let anything distract you, OK? Constant vigilance!”

Harry nodded but felt very nervous. It was like his muscles weren’t listening to his brains at all. He felt a little sick, but he knew it was the time. The time to get into the Maze.

Dumbledore called for Harry and Cedric to get their places in the entrance. Harry walked by Cedric and felt suddenly very small. Everybody was cheering for them, but Harry couldn’t hear. He really felt like he was going to be sick.

“When you’re ready…” Dumbledore said, but his phrase ended quickly when Filch pressed the canon. Harry and Cedric both ran into the Maze. Both of them ran quickly and never stopped until they didn’t hear the cheering crowd anymore. That’s when they hit a crossroad.

“I’ll go here,” Cedric said. Harry noticed his breathing was hard – maybe he was nervous too. Harry nodded and went the other direction.

Now that he didn’t hear Cedric’s breath beside him, the Maze sounded very quiet. It was blue like it was midnight and Harry saw white fog rolling around his feet. He heard the canon again, but it seemed to come from a long distance. Harry felt completely alone.

After walking a while, he heard the canon go again. He knew everybody was in the maze now. The game was up to anybody to win.

Suddenly Harry had forgotten that he was in a maze, walking towards the glory of winning the Triwizard Tournament. He walked and turned in some direction at every crossroad, hoping he was close to the trophy. His steps sounded so empty in his ears.

Harry lost completely the track of time. He didn’t know what time it was or for how long he had been in the maze – he was just walking. He hadn’t ran into any creature yet, but instead of making him relaxed it just made him nervous. He was afraid that the maze was trying to make him feel safe, when that was the last thing it was.

Harry came into another crossroad again, and again, and again. When he had turned around for the 100th time, he saw a white light shining behind the bushes. Harry’s breath disappeared into somewhere beneath his lungs when he took a peek on what was there.

The trophy.

Harry looked left and right, but no one was there. Slowly he turned and started walking towards the trophy. But it wasn’t just the trophy that was in there – Harry saw Draco there too.

“Draco?” Harry whispered into the dark. The blonde lifted his head and smiled.

“Dumbledore gave you a little extra to reach for,” the boy said and smirked. “I guess he wanted to grow your ambition.”

Harry felt relieved that he wasn’t alone in the maze and finally breathed deeply. He looked back and started to walk towards the shining trophy and Draco, who was smiling wildly. Harry smiled back, not telling how much seeing his boyfriend in a place like that meant.

Just when he had taken a step, he heard something crack from behind him. Harry jumped three feet from the ground when he noticed what was happening.

Roots. Angry roots were coming from the ground. They were lifting themselves up from the grass, coming through the fog and reaching towards Harry. He didn’t know what to do (how to fight roots?), so he just stood there, like he was nailed to the ground.

The roots were coming more and more, and one started to be very close to Harry’s ankle. That’s when he pulled his wand, screaming “Stupefy!” at the roots. Some of them fell, but Harry knew it wasn’t enough.

He took a few steps before he started to run. He had only a few steps and he was by the trophy. He didn’t know what would happen, but he grabbed Draco and the trophy, hoping it would get him to safety.

But the second he felt his feet get off of the ground he knew it was a portkey. He felt himself spinning, but he held on to Draco and the trophy like his life was at stake. But he never knew what waited for him when he finally hit the ground. The trophy rolled away.

Harry felt his feet burning from all the running, but he got up. The view was completely different – he was in a graveyard.

Harry looked around. There were cold open graves everywhere, like every single corpse had been dug up. Harry had no idea why the trophy had brought them there.

“Hello?” Harry yelled into the darkness, but his words were weak. Draco lifted himself up too and he came to stand near Harry.

Two characters with long cloaks appeared from the darkness. One was taller and looked more like a snake, and the other one was much smaller and looked like he wanted to be as small as possible. Harry recognized the two characters immediately.

“Wormtail? And…” Harry said, but couldn’t finish his phrase. His words simply died.

A cold laugh filled the graveyard. “Yes, Harry. It is us. You’ve always been very clever.”

Harry felt Draco push himself more to Harry, so that he felt him shake out of fear. Draco’s fingers found themselves around Harry’s, so Harry tried to message Draco that he was not going to let Voldemort hurt him.

Harry didn’t know what he did, but Draco didn’t get the message. And Harry felt, if possible, more scared than Draco to see his enemy again. It had just been a few months that Harry had seen him get a body again.

“Did you make the trophy a portkey?” Harry asked and got more laugh as a response. The laugh that sounded dead.

“Oh no, not me. I have my help. Even at Hogwarts. How quickly you seem to forget my power.”

Harry shivered when he heard Voldemort had help from Hogwarts, but he tried to keep his thoughts in the moment.

“You don’t have power,” Harry said. “And whatever you’re trying to achieve by bringing me here, it’s not going to work. Everybody’s going to notice how the champions are lost in the maze.”

“Take a look around, Potter,” Voldemort spat. “The only one of the ‘champions’ is you. And what makes you so sure I have something to do here? Maybe I just wanted to get the neighbourhood gossip from you.”

Wormtail laughed, but Harry didn’t. “Then I’d suggest you to buy the Daily Prophet,” Harry said. He tried to keep his voice strong.

“I like more getting information this way,” Voldemort said.

“Fine. What do you want then? Or are you going to chat with me all day?”

“Oh no, dear boy. The only thing I want to do is to thank you.”

Draco moved behind Harry and tightened his grip from his hand. “Thank me?” Harry asked. He was feeling sick again. “For what?”

“For giving me this divine body. I never would’ve gotten it without your blood.”

“Oh, you are very welcomed. Can you let me go now, please? I have a tournament to win and some telling to do.”

Voldemort took a few steps towards Harry. “Oh no,” he whispered. “You may have given me a body, but there are still many things you have done. One good thing does not fix all the bad things.”

Harry crossed his arms, feeling furious. “So, you want a revenge?”

“Indeed I do,” Voldemort said. His voice was different – pleased.

“Sorry to let you down,” Harry said. Then he pulled his wand – but Voldemort was faster. When Harry had just said ‘Expelliarmus’, Voldemort had already stopped him.

”Foolish little boy!” Voldemort said. “There’s no use to fight. I am the greatest wizard now.”

“No you’re not!” said Harry, trying to be confident. “Dumbledore is. And he’s not going to be very pleased when he hears about you. He’s going to track you down!” Harry yelled.

“Is he?” Voldemort said. “And how is that?”

Harry opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything. Voldemort smirked.


Harry shut his mouth furiously. But Voldemort wasn’t looking at him anymore – he was looking at Draco.

“Oh, and who do we have here?” he said, like he had just noticed Draco was there. “Is that little Malfoy? Indeed it is.”

“Leave him alone,” Harry said firmly.

”Where is your daddy, Draco?” Voldemort asked, ignoring Harry. “Or your dear little mother? Where are they? Hiding, aren’t they? Hiding from their master?”

“I said leave him alone!” Harry said and lifted his wand again, but Voldemort made a piece of fabric to close around Harry’s mouth. He couldn’t say anything – the fabric wasn’t going to leave in a while.

“Go home and tell your parents about our little meeting, will you?” Voldemort said, talking almost softly to Draco. “Tell them that hide and seek is over. I happen to be an expert in that game.”

Voldemort took a step towards Draco. “You are going to tell it to them, right?”

Draco swallowed and glanced Harry. His eyes showed nothing else but pure fear – something that was never seen in Draco’s face. The he carefully nodded.

“Good boy,” Voldemort said. “But a liar. You’re not going to say anything.”

And then, in a second, he had lifted his right hand. Harry couldn’t say anything, not just because of the fabric – it all went by so fast. It took just a heartbeat.

Just one heartbeat for Voldemort to lift his wand into his shaking hand, showing them the mad glow he had in his eyes. “Avada Kedavra!” he yelled, so loud the whole graveyard started to shake.

One heartbeat for Harry to watch the green light’s reflection on Draco’s eyes, before it hit him. He fell down on the ground – and his eyes were empty.

Harry screamed. No one could hear it, but he screamed like never before. His heart felt like bursting, when he looked at Draco’s body and the red fluid that came from his mouth, dropping from the corner into his cheeks. Harry strapped the fabric away and without even noticing threw it away.

One heartbeat for Voldemort to stop laughing to notice what Harry was doing. But now he was the slow one – he just had his wand in his hand, when Harry had already grabbed the trophy and disappeared.

Harry felt the graveyard’s colors blend into one mix, while Voldemort’s yell of disappointment blocked his ears completely. His eyes were burning, but he couldn’t do anything for it – one of his hand was wrapped around Draco’s arm and the other on the trophy. The bursting tears made Harry see so unclearly he didn’t even notice he was back on the yard. He still heard Voldemort yell, but the coming happy music was pushing the yell under its self. Harry lifted his head and slowly let go of his grip of the trophy, but just so he could get a better grip of Draco.

Suddenly the happy music was gone. Harry could hear clearly now, but the only thing he heard were screams – people screaming. The cheering crowd had changed completely.

Harry’s hand found Draco’s fingers and he climbed on top of his stomach. Harry looked at the boy, who just lied on the ground without complaining. The face was peaceful, like it didn’t have any grudges on anybody. The skin was just as pale as usually, but the eyes were dead.

That’s when it finally hit Harry. He would never see them smile again.


Yes. That was the third task that had been haunting Harry ever since. Harry sat on his knees on the forest, letting his tears drop from his eyes to the ground that dried them all. He tried to dry his eyes to his sleeve, but it wasn’t working – the tears just kept coming.

Harry lifted his head up and looked at the moonlight. Harry cried for help, wanting for someone to end his pains. Draco was the one who had helped him through everything. And with him gone Harry felt more alone than ever.

His thoughts weren’t clear anymore. It was all a mix about Draco, Ron, Hermione, Voldemort, Dumbledore, Cedric and many others. There was only one thought clear in his mind.

If not in life, then in death.

That was the only thing he had in his mind, when he stood up. He felt his wand in his pocket, so he pulled it up and with shivering hands lifted it up.

He lifted his head up to the sky again and noticed it had gotten softer. It seemed like the whole word was smiling at him, ready to take him to its arms. Harry lifted his shaking hands, but not for fear. For excitement.

It took justa nother heartbeat for Harry to fall on the ground after the green light had come again. And another heartbeat for him to see Draco again, knowing he was there where ever Harry was going.

And this time Harry was not going to let go.

Because of you it’s all brand new
My life is now worthwhile
I can’t imagine me without you.


A/N: Noh, tässä tämä nyt on. Video on siis tuhat kertaa erilainen kuin teksti, mutta koitin pitää sen perusidean nyt suunnilleen samana. Risut ja ruusut otetaan kaikki vastaan ja parhaan mukaan otetaan opiksi. (:
« Viimeksi muokattu: 15.11.2014 23:36:08 kirjoittanut Renneto »
un día decidí hacerle caso a la brisa




  • Gremlin
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 2 447
Vs: Imagine me without you - H/D (EN)
« Vastaus #1 : 01.06.2008 18:54:14 »
Hei, pistätkö ton ikärajan otsikkoon, kultapieni? Ja jos tää on sun mielestäs enemmältikin K-13, niin tän ois pitänyt olla tuolla Pimeyden voimissa... Mä vaan ajattelin...

Ja sitten: kuten jo sanottu, mä tykkäsin tästä. Musta tää on ihanan pitunen ja tarina on nätti. Tosta videosta en juuri nyt paljon muista, vois senkin katella taas kohtapuoliin..
Musta sä onnistuit hyvin pitään Dracon kuvioissa, eikä toistoa tullut yhtään liikaa, vaikka sitä pelkäsitkin.

No mutta, en mä tässä enää oikein osaa mitään sanoa. Pidän, kirjoittelepa taas lisää :D
« Viimeksi muokattu: 01.06.2008 21:55:48 kirjoittanut Winga »
"It's just like I always say; if you want to find something weird you have to go downtown."


  • Vieras
Vs: Imagine me without you - H/D (EN), K-14
« Vastaus #2 : 04.06.2008 22:24:58 »
Oih. Pidin tästä. Ja mielelläni kyllä lukisin suomalaisenakin versiona. Tai no siis suomeksi.
Mutta. haluan vain kertoa, että tämä oli ihana, sai kyyneleet silmiini. Sujuvaa oli, ja tavallaan.. todentuntuista.

Tosin harmitti se, ettei Ron auttanut Harrya juuri ollenkaan. Ja Hermionekin oli jotenkin.. vaisu. Mutta muut hahmot olivat hyvin IC. Mutta jos Ron ja Herm olisivat olleet ylihuolehtivia, niin ehkä tämä ei olisi päättynyt näin.. eli siis ei valittamista  ;D

Ylimääräisen plussana ja pisteenä I:iin päälle haluaisin sanoa, että pidin siitä, että käytit Hermionesta lyhennettä 'Mione Herm:in sijaan. Loi todentuntuisuutta tälle kielivalinnalle.