Title: Plasticgirl in a girlsworld
Genre: Fluffy, pikkunen humour/angst(?), PWP
Paring: hymykuoppa/Draco
Raiting: S
Summary: Joskus tunteemme saattavat paljastua jonkun toisen toimesta, ja seuraukset saattavat olla ikäviä.
Elouvarepliikki -haasteen iloinen osallistuja saa tämä ficci olla. Ehkä ajatus jäi nyt toissijaiseksi, ja ehkä tämä minun valitsemani repliikki ei liity paljoa tähän ficciin, mutta tällainen tästä tuli. Englanti ei ole ehkä kaikkein vahvin osa-alueeni, mutta yritin (:
Repliikkini: "You ARE plastic!"
Plasticgirl in a girlsworldHe was looking at me again. I sighed and turned a page in my schoolbook. I saw my little penmanship on the border of the page.
"Remember, write to Harry." I couldn't hide my smile, when I turned the page again. I sweeped my red hairs over my shoulder and put my glasses on my nose. I sighed again and closed my schoolbook. I rose up with the awful feeling that someone was staring at you. I glanced quickly over my shoulder and saw Draco Malfoy, who smiled like a devil.
"Plastic", word was so distasteful, when it came out from Dracos mouth.
I squinted my green eyes when Draco rose his eyebrowns meanfully before he turned back to his friends.
"You ARE plastic!" Draco laughed in an empty room, "You can't deny it."
"You don't know me", I was looking at the floor, because I didn't want to show my tears. Somehow young Malfoy had found out, that I was in love with him. Of course that was one-sided feeling.
"Weak", Draco laughed again.
Plastic. I didn't understand the meaning of that argument. Maybe I was weak like plastic, but.. It hurt.
"Pathetic."I licked my lips and raised my chin. I knew that I shouldn't care of Dracos speakings. He was just a boy, and boys didn't knew anything about the girlsworld. I smiled to myself and walked away.
A/N2: Englantini nyt taitaa olla vähän tönkköä, sillä tämä on niitä harvoja ficcejä, joita olen kirjoittanut englanniksi. Mutta yrittänyttä ei laiteta, se ei pelaa joka pelkää, rohkea rotan syö, eikös se niin ole? (: Halusin kokeilla jotain uutta. (:
A/N3: Kiitos, hiddenben korjauksista (: