Title: Knock at the door
Author: Winga
Genre: Poetry, fluff
Pairing: H/D (traces of Hrm/R)
Rating: S
Summary: The knock at the door leads to a wedding
Disclaimer: En minä JKR ole, tavallinen tallaaja vaan...
Warnings: None
A/N: Joo tuota... Nimi ei kuvaa tarinaa yhtään, tarina on taas näitä 'runoja, runoja!'
Knock at the doorPart 1.
There's a knock at the door,
he rises from the floor.
”Who is there?”
”It is I, who's come to share
few surprises with you.
But first I need to go to the loo.”
The door is opened,
he walks to his 'bed'.
”The faster you go,
the faster we can start the show.”
His guest grins.
”Not before we see which one of us wins.”
Guest's not long in the loo
as he, and the host, too,
starts getting annoyed to wait
besides, it's getting late.
”What's the surprise, the game?
I hope it isn't lame.”
The evil grin on his face
the guest sits on his place.
Part 2.
”Well, it isn't lame,
this surprise, game.”
”Yeah, and it isn't all,
those clothes on the wall.”
No winner, no loser,
no next game choser.
The host, expectantly waiting,
is sitting
on his guest's lap,
giving on his head a tap.
”Harry James Potter, my love, not greed,
everything for me, all that I need,
I ask you to marry me,
as I'm nothing like thee.
I'm in love with you, you know,
so this isn't just a show...”
”Stop Draco, my dear,
and have no fear.
Of course I will marry thee,
I love you too, you see.”
Part 3.
The gorgeous place,
caught after a chase,
is where the wedding shall take part.
After it the duo will never be apart.
”Are you ready, Harry?”
”Yes, 'cause I'll get to marry
Draco, the love of my life.”
”You sure you don't want a wife?”
They laugh in the room.
”No, it would be a doom.”
”I know, mate.”
”Yes, Ron. Oh, who's your date?”
His face red,
'cause his been led
into this trap, by Harry of all.
”She's the one now leaning at the wall.”
”You finally got together, then.
”Me and Hermione have been
dating, unseen,
I think at least
since the last feast.”
”I'm so happy for you, when's the wedding?”
”Hey, we're just getting...”
”I know, just kidding.”
”Yeah, and I'm laughing...”
”Are you alright?”
”As long as we won't fight!”
”Don't worry,
I'm sorry,
I know you love him, not me,
I know there never was a 'we'.”
She smiles, warm smile,
not one with 'there's something behind this'- file.
”Thanks, Pansy, you know you're my friend, the best,
you win all the rest.”
”Yes Draco. Now let's get you ready.”
”Please, make me steady.”
”I do.”
It is said by both of the two.
The party starts, their life as husbands,
with fights with wands.
They know they'll fight,
they know there'll be light,
but the most important thing is
that they know this:
They will love each other
even when they fight with one another.
From this day to eternity they know they will,
even paying the too high bill.