Kirjoittaja Aihe: Broken promises | S | Harry/Draco | englanti  (Luettu 1523 kertaa)


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Broken promises | S | Harry/Draco | englanti
« : 01.06.2015 20:28:48 »
Ficin nimi: Broken promises
Kirjoittaja: Inukii
Genre: Angst
Ikäraja: Sallittu
Paritus: Harry/Draco
Yhteenveto: But that is what people do: they make promises they can not promise to keep and then they break them. It is like when a glass hits the floor breaking into one million pieces and leaving a big mess for others to clean.
Vastuunvapaus: Rowling omistaa hahmot, minä mielikuvitukseni, jonka tuotosta tämäkin on. En saa tästä mitään rahallista korvausta, vaan kirjoitan omaksi ilokseni.
A/N: Tämä on ensimmäinen Harry Potter fan fictionini englanniksi. Kielioppi ei ole parhaasta päästä, joten olen pahoillani jos löydätte tarinasta virheitä.
Haasteet: Harry/Draco - kaikkien aikojen paritus

Broken promises

He said "I will never leave you", he promised he will always be there for me. But here we are, standing in train station in front of each others letting wind to mess up our hairs and probably; at the last time.

"Harry, I'm sorry it went this way, I really am! You know that my dad needs me now. Hey, smile on! I will come back someday", Draco said while forcing a smile on his face. I could not do that, I could not smile.
We both knew it was not true. He would not come back.

Draco's father was captive in Azkaban prison because he got caught about helping Voldemort.
Now, Draco has chosen to try to help him to escape and even though he knows it is a ridiculous idea he does not let anyone to change his mind. I have tried everything and I literally mean everything, but I can not help but watch my boyfriend leaving me all alone just when we started dating publicly. Draco knows as well as I do how impossible it is to escape from Azkaban but he is going to try. No matter what, that is what he said to me earlier.

"Maybe. But the most likely you will get there as a prisoner too. You can still change your mind, Draco. You still have time before a train comes to get you but because I beg you are not going to do it, I want to give this to you", I said and digged my pocket until my hand reached what it was looking for. I took away a necklace with a horseshoe and closed it in my fist. Then I took Draco's hand and put it in there. "It symbolises hope."

Draco put it into his own pocket smiling quietly. Then he stared at my eyes and for a moment I thought he was finally ready to kiss in public - even though we are now officially together and slowly more and more people get to know about it, he still was not ready to kiss me in front of others eyes - but then he took one step closer and hugged me tightly.
"Thank you, Harry", he whispered to my ear. "for everything."
I felt a tear rolling down to my cheek and I closed my eyes. You can not cry now, Harry, I told myself and tried as hard as I could to keep tears and pain inside of me.
I would not want to let go but then we saw a train getting closer and pulled each others away and as we stood there face to face, I saw Draco has cried too. And then it happened: he kissed me but even though his lips felt as softy as usually, it did not feel that special because I knew it will be the first time we do it in public and the last time we do it at all.

"That is my train. I have to go now. Remember I will always love you, Harry", Draco said and took his suitcase from the ground.

A train reached us and wind got harder when I said back to him: "I love you too. Have a nice trip, Draco."

And then he walked away. I will never forget that moment. A moment when I had to leave my boyfriend. A few months later I heard he got killed in Azkaban. It was not a surprise. I knew that day will come but it still hurted so much that there is no words to describe that pain.

He broke his promise but that is what people do: they make promises they can not promise to keep and then they break them. It is like when a glass hits the floor breaking into one million pieces and leaving a big mess for others to clean.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 01.06.2015 23:22:04 kirjoittanut inukii »
Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story.


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Vs: Broken promises | S | Harry/Draco | englanti
« Vastaus #1 : 18.07.2015 22:33:09 »
Voin kertoa, että oli varmaan ensimmäinen tai toinen englannin kielinen  teksti minkä olen viitsinyt lukea. Pääni on niin tottumaton kieleen että lyhytkin pätkä tuntuu parin sivun mittaiselta (vaikka siis ymmärrän sitä kyllä ihan hyvin) :D Ficci oli mielestäni oikein hyvä ja vaikka kieli tuottikin puristusta pääkopassa niin tilanteen haikeus oli käsin kosketeltavaa. Kiitos paljon tästä kokemuksesta :]


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  • Viestejä: 240
Vs: Broken promises | S | Harry/Draco | englanti
« Vastaus #2 : 18.07.2015 23:44:07 »
Kiitos kommentista RaistlinMajere! Mukava, että pidit ja jaksoit lukea, vaikka et kertomasi perusteella paljon englanniksi luekaan. :) Hyvä, että otit tuon tilanteen haikeuden esille kommentissasi, kun sitä tässä oikeastaan koetin hakeakin, kun genreksikin valitsin angstin.
Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story.