Kirjoittaja Aihe: Nothing will ever be the same (drama, Dr/Hrm, Hrm/R, S, in English)  (Luettu 1981 kertaa)


  • Hippie
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 186
Author: LunaLovegood
Pairing: Draco/Hermione and a tad bit of Ron/Hermione
Rating: S
Challenge: Tuhoa suosikkiparituksesi

Hermione Granger arrived home after a two week business trip to wizarding New York. The jet lag was exhausting her and she decided to go straight to bed, thinking her boyfriend wasn’t at home. She opened the oak door with a wave of her wand and walked through the hall, leaving her suitcases on the floor. She walked up the wooden stairs and sighed after getting up. How had she missed home.

But opening the bedroom door Hermione came across a shocking surprise. She saw the familiar blond hair underneath the duvet, but there also was someone else’s hair. Someone with long dark brown hair. She had to take a hold to the door, feeling she could collapse any second. She never expected this to happen to her.

Draco and her had been together since after returning to Hogwarts for their seventh year after the Final Battle. They had been the Head Students and formed a great, deep friendship, which had later deepened even further, into love. After graduation they had moved in together and Hermione had been sure they would be together for the rest of their lives.

But now he had ruined everything. He had gotten himself  another woman. He had cheated on her. Shivers were going through Hermione’s body while she was watching the scene, too shocked to say anything. She shook  her head, wiped out her tears and coughed. The movement under the cover stopped immediately. Her boyfriend’s head popped out looking ashamed, but not regretting.

Hermione shook her head to him and walked properly inside the room, waving her wand to gather up her stuff. There was nothing she could say, nothing he could do to save the situation, if he even wanted. This was the end, no words were needed. She turned around, levitating her bags behind her and walked down the stairs hearing the sounds of her cheating boyfriend saying that he didn’t mean to, but she didn’t listen. Nothing mattered right then.


She grabbed her suitcases from the hall and disappeared with a pop. She appeared in front of the Burrow at that exact moment. That was when she really understood what had happened and she burst in tears. There was nothing worth living for. She had nothing.
She walked towards the house that had once been like an own home for her. She hadn’t been in there for ages, but she just didn’t have anywhere else to go to. Her parents were in Australia, not remembering her. She had no home.

Knocking on the door she wiped out her tears quickly before the door opened. The man behind the door was someone she hadn’t been ready to face, but maybe it was better now than never. Ronald Weasley had rejected her when she had told him about her feelings towards him. Ronald had been the first man to break his heart. He had tried to warn her about Draco, and said that if Draco ever hurt her, he would kill him.

“’Mione? Are you alright?”

“Hey Ron… I wouldn’t say I am alright to be honest..”

“What happened?”

“Well… We kind of broke up with Draco five minutes ago..”

“What did that bastard do to you?”

“Nothing. Well, not nothing but.. It’s nothing really. It’s not like he hit me or anything. I just found him in bed with another woman, that’s all…”

“I’m gonna kill him!”

“No Ron, violence is not an option here. It’s his loss, and it made me realise how stupid I was to fall in love with him.”

“So it’s really over?”

“It is. Could I stay over? I have no place to go to?”

“Of course you can. Mom will be delighted to see you.”


“No problem. Now let me take your bags...
« Viimeksi muokattu: 30.05.2015 22:56:44 kirjoittanut Renneto »
Mitä tehdä, kun mikään ei tunnu enää miltään?
Mitä tehdä, jos tuntuu ettei jaksa enää elää?
Se on ihan helvetin hyvä kysymys.


  • ekoterroristi
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 3 652
  • "Oot pönttö :D <3" "ja ylpeä siitä! :D"
    • Sulkakynän rapinaa
Mä olen lukenut tämän joskus aikaisemminkin, mutten silloin saanut aikaiseksi kommentoitua, joten päätin nyt sitten palata takaisin tämän pariin. Tykkään tästä edelleen kyllä kokonaisuutena, mutta tämä etenee kyllä kauhean nopeasti. Tai siis, kun Hermione palaa kotiin ja näkee Dracon sängyssä jonkun toisen kanssa (josta jotenkin saan Pansymaiset vibat, tiedä sitten miksi) ja sitten hän on melkein saman tien jo lähdössä pois, menossa Kotikoloon "suremaan" rauhassa, mikä tapahtuu kamalan nopeasti. Jotenkin kuvittelisin, että jos itselleni tapahtuisi jotain tuollaista, että sitä pitäisi hetken aikaa istua alas ja miettiä tai jotain, ja vasta sitten pystyisi lähtemään pois paikalta ja ajattelemaan järkevästi. En tiedä, ei ole kokemusta, mutta näin olettaisin. Siitä siis vähän pyyhkeitä, mutta muutoin tykkäsin tästä kyllä! (:

Muutaman kohdan, joissa kannattaa ehkä katsoa vähän kieliasua enemmän huomasin tuolta.
How had she missed home.
Sulla on tässä käänteinen sanajärjestys, mikä ainakin mulla vibattaa kysymykseen, joten kääntäisin tuon itse ehkä how she had missed homeksi.

She had to take a hold to the door, feeling she could collapse any second. She never expected this to happen to her.
Hold of the door, ja She had never expected kenties?

Draco and her had been together since after returning to Hogwarts for their seventh year after the Final Battle.
Itse sanoisin ehkä She and Draco, koska tuo kuulostaa jotenkin erikoiselta omaan kielikorvaani ainakin.

Her boyfriend’s head popped out looking ashamed, but not regretting.
Koska tässä viitataan edelleen Dracon kasvoihin, niin vaihtaisin tuon vikan sanan regretfuliksi.

She turned around, levitating her bags behind her and walked down the stairs hearing the sounds of her cheating boyfriend saying that he didn’t mean to, but she didn’t listen.
Jotta tuo kursivoitu lausahdus sopisi muun tekstin aikamuotoon, laittaisin sen tilalle 'he hadn't meant to'.

She walked towards the house that had once been like an own home for her.
Tähän vikaan mä nyt en sitten osaakaan sanoa mitään fiksua ehdotusta, mutta tuo kuulostaa jotenkin kauhean konstikkaalta tavalta ilmaista kohtuu simppeli asia.

Yllä olevista huomautuksista huolimatta kuitenkin tykkäsin tästä kokonaisuutena, kuten jo sanoinkin. Tykkäsin myös siitä, että tässä se oli Hermione, jolla oli tunteita Ronia kohtaan, muttei ilmeisesti toisinpäin, kun yleensä se on niin päin, että Ronilla on yksipuoleisia tunteita Hermionea kohtaan. Mielenkiintoista vaihtelua siis tässä ficcissä. (: Muutenkin tuo Hermionen ja Ronin välinen vuoropuhelu tuossa lopussa on erittäin heidän näköisensä! (:

"Durin's folk do not flee from a fight."
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