Kirjoittaja Aihe: MCU: With you, I'm not cold | S | Tony/Bucky | in english  (Luettu 1161 kertaa)


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Title: With you, I'm not cold
Author: Angelina
Fandom: MCU
Rating: S
Genre: college!AU, pre-slash, fluff
Paring: Tony Stark/James "Bucky" Barnes

A/N: Tää on kirjoitettu useampi vuosi sitten alun perin synttärilahjaksi ihmiselle, jota en valitettavasti enää pidä ystävänäni. Koska kuitenkin rakastan tätä paritusta JA college/urheilu!AU -ficcejä on ihan liian vähän, päätin pistää punakynän heilumaan, editoida hiukan ja lopulta postata tämän :3 Idea on lähtöisin siitä, että olin luvannut kirjoittaa synttärisankarille jotain sellaista, jossa Tony ja Bucky käyvät yliopistoa Minnesotassa ja Tonylla on aina kylmä. Niin, ja Buckyn piti pelata lätkää, koska lätkä on <3


Tony had no idea why he was spending his Friday night staring at a bunch of college jocks skating after a puck. Tony didn't like hockey, and he couldn't even check out the players with all the gear they were wearing.

“You're here because I asked you to,” Natasha said for the hundredth time, “I'm here to see Sam play and I wanted company.”

Ah, that's why.

“Why does it have to be so goddamn cold in here?”

Tony wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck and continued to pout. Nat just rolled her eyes and cheered loudly when the Golden Gophers were announced on the ice.

They played a video on the arena jumbotron that showed clips from the team's previous games before it started to roll pictures of each player individually.

Finally something interesting, Tony thought and was pleasantly surprised after seeing that most of the team members were pretty cute.

All of the players studied in the Minnesota University of course, but since the school was enormous and Tony wasn't into sports, he knew almost none of them.

“Damn, Nat,” Tony whistled when player number 6, Sam Wilson, appeared on the screen, “your bae is a snack.”

“Of course he is.”

Number 12 was the team captain, Steve Rogers, and him Tony had heard of. Most girls in his classes dreamed about the handsome captain, and Tony had to admit he was gorgeous. He was just about to turn and tell that to Natasha when player number 17 came into view.

Tony heard a small gasp that apparently came from him before he swallowed heavily. If Rogers was gorgeous, this guy was breathtaking, but in an entirely different way.

He had steel-blue, almost grey eyes, brown hair that Tony itched to run his fingers through, and a marvelous resting bitch face that could put Tony's version to shame.

James Barnes.

Suddenly Tony was a lot more interested in ice hockey.

❅ ❅ ❅

The game turned out to be surprisingly entertaining. It was fast but controlled, and all the players were good. Or so Tony would say if someone asked – in reality, he only had eyes for Barnes.

Barnes wasn't as strong as Rogers and not as fast as Wilson, but he was efficient, and surprisingly graceful and his shots were precise. He scored two goals, and both times Tony cheered so loudly that Nat raised her brows at him.

“What? I'm rooting for our team!”

“Sure you are,” Natasha hummed.

Tony felt himself blush. He knew he was being ridiculous – he knew absolutely nothing about Barnes.

But he was intrigued.

So, when Nat asked if he wanted to join her and Sam at an after-game party, he didn't even hesitate before agreeing.

He could survive one night with college jocks, right?

❅ ❅ ❅

“Come on, Barnes,” Wilson said and nudged him with his elbow. “Try not to look like you want to murder everyone in here.”

Bucky just rolled his eyes and took a sip of his beer. He didn't feel like partying, much less drinking, but Steve insisted that their get-togethers were good for the team spirit and Bucky didn't argue, even though he'd rather be in his dorm playing video games or studying for his next test.

“Oh look, Natasha came!”

The bright smile on Wilson's face made Bucky snort but he turned to look at the door too.

Natasha waved at Wilson, grabbing someone behind her and dragging him into the room. 

When Bucky saw the guy he spilled his beer.

“Watch out the damn couch, Barnes!” Rumlow yelled from the other side of the room, but Bucky didn't even hear him.

The guy next to Natasha turned to look at him, and Bucky stared right back. The guy had soft-looking, curly hair, and a cute smile, but it was his huge brown eyes that caught Bucky's attention – they looked tantalizing, making Bucky's stomach flutter.

Maybe it was worth coming to the party after all.

❅ ❅ ❅

Tony stood alone on the porch feeling cold again. The air inside the house felt suffocating, and he had to get outside for a while. Natasha was occupied with Wilson and Tony didn't want to bother her – he could get over his anxiousness by himself.


He wasn't even sure why he felt so restless. Maybe it was the drunken people and all the loud noises cramped up in a small place but he'd felt like he couldn't breathe. Outside it was easier – the noises were muffled and the fresh air cleared his mind.

If it just weren't so damn cold…

“You okay?”

Tony turned around and saw Barnes standing in the doorway, looking at him questioningly. 

Tony nodded, probably too many times, and then his teeth started to clatter. Barnes grabbed a blanket from the chair inside, smiling a little, before closing the door.

“You look cold,” he simply stated and wrapped the blanket around Tony's shoulders.

“Th– thanks.”

Barnes nodded.

They stood together in a comfortable silence for a while just staring into the darkness. The night was beautiful and the air was crisp – the winter was definitely coming, and Tony was so not looking forward to it.

“You don't have to keep me company, you know,” Tony finally said and turned to look at Barnes. “I'm sure you'd rather have fun with your friends.”

“Not really,” Barnes shrugged. “I don't do well with crowds.”


Tony was genuinely surprised. He'd thought that Barnes was just the type of guy who enjoyed partying but apparently, he was wrong. The looks could be deceiving.

“Besides,” Barnes continued quietly and Tony was pretty sure, that he was blushing. “I kinda wanted to talk to you alone.”

Tony turned to look at him with wide eyes, and Barnes looked right back.

They stared at each other both smiling shyly, before Tony took a step closer and Barnes wrapped his hands around him.

❅ ❅ ❅

A week later it started to snow, and on the same day, Bucky kissed him for the first time.

And Tony forgot to feel cold.

“We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid.”

ava & bannu © Inkku ♥


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Vs: MCU: With you, I'm not cold | S | Tony/Bucky | in english
« Vastaus #1 : 04.09.2024 01:25:14 »
Asdfghjklöäsdsdsds ❤️

Tää oli taas erinomainen osoitus siitä, että tämmösiin AU:ihin haluais vaan jäädä elämään. Niin kotoisa ja lämmin.
Nautin niin paljon kaikkien dynamiikoista tässä, hykertelin jopa, kun Rumlow karjui Buckylle kaljan kaatamisesta xD Ihanaa luettavaa kun kaikki hahmot löytää paikkansa maailmasta.
Tee tästä pliis verse ja kerro lisää, Bucky saamaan musta silmä tms matsissa ja Tony hoitamaan sen ruhjeita myöhemmin privaatisti kissing everything better eiku
Ja Bucky haluaa tietysti opettaa Tonyn luistelemaan, mutta joutuukin kannattelemaan bambi!Tonya koko ajan, että se pysyy yhtään pystyssä😂

Tää oli niin söps, että tällasta sisällötöntä huutokommenttia sitten, sorry not sorry.
Tonyn canonissa vetämä ekstroverttirooli on taas päässy huijaamaan mua, mutta tää oli hieno muistutus, että Tonylla ja post-Winter Soldier!Buckylla on varmaan enemmän yhteistä toistensa kanssa, väkijoukot ei oo kummankaan juttu, eikä siis myöskään tollaset bileet. Onneksi löysivät rauhaisan hetken kahdestaan, niin soft 🥹

Ehkä päätän kommenttini tähän, kiitos, että jaoit tän🫶

« Viimeksi muokattu: 04.09.2024 01:34:55 kirjoittanut Violetu »

I am enough.


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Vs: MCU: With you, I'm not cold | S | Tony/Bucky | in english
« Vastaus #2 : 04.09.2024 14:21:48 »
Voih, olipa tää ihanan söpö ja pörröinen ficci! Ja miten hyvin nää hahmot istuivatkaan tällaiseen yliopistojääkiekkomaailmaan! Olisi ihan huippua, jos innostuisit jossain vaiheessa kirjoittamaan tähän samaan universumiin liittyviä ficcejä enemmänkin, koska tämä teksti jätti ainakin mulle tosi paljon sellaisia kiinnostavia täkyjä, joista olisi kiva saada tietää lisää.

Mä en mikään valtavan suuri Tony/Bucky-shipperi ole, mutta väliäkö tuolla. Tässä paritus toimi hyvin ja myös taustalla ollut Sam/Nat oli hirmuisen kiva. Musta on hauskaa, miten helposti paleleva ja selvästi kylmää inhoava Tony oli päätynyt kaikista maailman paikoista juuri Minnesotaan opiskelemaan. Voi reppanaa, ehkä Bucky tästä eteenpäin sitten lämmittää ja pitää hyvänä, niin Minnesotan ilmasto ei tunnu enää yhtä ikävältä.

Musta ei nyt mitään tämän koherentimpaa saa irti, mutta tykkäsin kovasti, teksti oli sujuvaa ja tämän lukemisella oli kiva aloittaa päivä! Kiitoksia  :-*
I know that you're scared because hearts get broken.


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  • Viestejä: 6 707
Vs: MCU: With you, I'm not cold | S | Tony/Bucky | in english
« Vastaus #3 : 10.10.2024 18:12:59 »
Vio: Sun kommentista tuli niin hyvä fiilis, kiitos :'3 ♥ Mä tykästyin tähän yllättävän paljon itekin, vaikka erityisesti alkuperänen Tony on mulle se juttu - alkuun tuntu ehkä vähän haastavalta kirjottaa siitä näin paljon nuorempaa versioo! Tony on myös mestari peittelemään heikkoja kohtiaan, joten onko ihmekään että yksityiskohdat välillä unohtuu ;D

Hmmmmmmmmmm versehän olis vähintäänkin kiintoisa idea, mutta mitään en vielä lupaa 😂

Gogo: Tosi kiva, että eksyit tänne ♥ Eihän tää shippi isossa kuvassa niin kovin yleinen tai suosittu oo, varsinkaan verrattuna Marvelin jättishippeihin, mutta joku tässä vaan iski itseeni ja iskee kyllä edelleen :'3 Minnesota oli kieltämättä Tonylta kiintoisa valinta, en muista mihin muuhun se pohjasi kuin mun lätkäobsessiooni - ja tietysti siihen, että Tonylla nimenomaan piti olla kylmä, jotta saadaan Bucky lämmittäjäksi ;)

Haha joudun sanomaan myös sulle että mitään en lupaa, mutta ideat on huomioitu ;D

“We Slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid.”

ava & bannu © Inkku ♥