Title: You Gave Me A Home
Author: Angelina
Fandom: MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Rating: S
Genre: pre-slash
Paring: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Summary: Steve had never been in love before
A/N: Tää on kirjoitettu LW18-haasteeseen ja ei hitto minkä työn ja tuskan takana tää oli. Tai no, itseasiassa tää syntyi yllättävän helposti sitten, kun pääsin alkuun, mutta kyseessä on siis ainakin versio #3, eikä yhtään sitä, mitä alunperin piti tulla. Tää on mun tulkinta laulun sanoista (löytyy tekstin lopusta) ja toivon, että tein niille edes vähän oikeutta.
Haasteet: Lyrics Wheel 18 ja FF100 sanalla 099. Yö
Sometimes Steve can't sleep.
It doesn't happen that often anymore but there's still nights when he wakes up trembling and sweating and there's no way he'll fall asleep again.
This is one of those nights.
He gets up, puts on a pair of fluffy slippers that Clint got him for his birthday and leaves the bedroom. He walks through the common area and straight to the balcony, where a fresh autumn breeze greets him.
He was having a nightmare again.
It's usually about his ma dying, Bucky falling or Steve himself being sick and weak. Sometimes it's about the Valkyrie and the crash, but this time it was different.
It was about Tony.
When SHIELD found Steve and he woke up in 2012, he was a mess. Everything he once knew was gone and almost all of his friends were already dead. He was alone, scared and (according to his therapist) depressed. There was the mission with the Avengers and for a moment Steve felt like he had a purpose, something to fight for. But after the battle everything went back to the way it was and Steve was left alone, again.
Until Tony showed up on his doorstep.
Tony took one look at Steve's crappy apartment and miserable face, before he snapped his fingers.
“Pack your stuff, you're coming to the Tower.”
It wasn't easy, at least not at first. Steve and Tony had their disagreements - to Tony, Steve was stuck up and annoyingly righteous and to Steve, Tony was eccentric and too restless.
But there was something addictive there too.
Tony didn't buy his bullshit and Steve wasn't intimidated by Tony’s fame or fortune. They challenged each other, made each other better. Their relationship was different from anything Steve had experienced before and soon he realized that he had more than friendly feelings for Tony.
Steve had never been in love before.
Sure he had a few crushes in the 40's, Peggy for example, but this was… something
more. Steve knew that he had found something special and he never wanted to let it go.
Which made his nightmares even more terrifying.
He dreamed about Tony flying to the wormhole with a missile on his back. He dreamed about Tony getting seriously hurt, trapped in his Iron man armor. He dreamed about
losing Tony.
Steve takes a deep breath and runs his fingers through his hair. The night is bright and a bit chilly, but he doesn't feel like going back inside.
“Steve? What are you - are you okay?”
Tony is standing behind him, wearing his worn jeans and an old band t-shirt. His hair is ruffled, his eyes tired and he definitely needs a shave.
“I’m fine, Tony. Go back to sleep.”
Tony snorts.
“I came from the lab, haven't even been to bed yet.”
Steve shakes his head but can't help but smile. Tony walks beside him and gently grabs his arm.
“But seriously, are you okay?”
Better than okay, Steve wants to say.
You gave me a home, a purpose, a life. I owe everything to you.I think I'm in love with you.He touches Tony's hand gently and smiles reassuringly.
“It was just a nightmare. I'm good.”
Tony looks at him for a moment but doesn't push. He takes Steve's hand and they stand on the balcony, watching the New York skyline together.
In the morning, Steve thinks and feels a bit giddy,
in the morning I'll tell him.
Jesse Kaikuranta - Minä löysin sinut
Ehdin tottua ajatukseenkin
Että yksinäisyys on mun kohtalo
En enää päästänyt ketään mun lähelle
Ja kaikki kyyneleenikin mä ehdin käyttää jo
Minä löysin sinut
Olemassa olitkin
Sä tulit viime hetkellä
Kun jo melkein luovutin
Minä löysin sinut
Olitkin vain piilossa
Mun pitkän talven takana
Leikkimässä kevätauringolla
Minä löysin sinut
Minä löysin sinut
Yksin olla voi jos vain haluaa
Mut yksinäisyys jalat valaa betoniin
Sinä paransit jotain minussa
Jota tiennyt en ees olevan olemassakaan
Minä löysin sinut
Olemassa olitkin
Sä tulit viime hetkellä
Kun jo melkein luovutin
Minä löysin sinut
Olitkin vain piilossa
Mun pitkän talven takana
Leikkimässä kevätauringolla
Minä löysin sinut
Minä löysin sinut
Kuulin että yksinäisyys on mun kohtalo
Mä liikuin kaiken aikaa kohti uutta alkua
Ja kyyneleetkin kaikki jotka kesken loppuivat
Ne vieri yksi kerrallaan kohti sinua
Minä löysin sinut
Olemassa olitkin
Sä tulit viime hetkellä
Kun jo melkein luovutin
Minä löysin sinut
Olitkin vain piilossa
Mun pitkän talven takana
Leikkimässä kevätauringolla
Minä löysin sinut
Minä löysin sinut
Minä löysin sinut