Kirjoittaja Aihe: I like to watch you dance (S, Romance, Ficlet, Luna/Neville, in English)  (Luettu 1743 kertaa)


  • Hippie
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 186
Author: LunaLovegood (not the original one)
Rating: S
Pairing: Luna/Neville
Disclaimer: Hogwarts and its students aren't mine, they belong to our queen J.K. Rowling. :)
Challenge: One True Something 20 with the subject One True Character (Luna Lovegood)

A/N: Hope you like it! :)

Her long hair was seesawing in the wind. The hair was dirty blond, and it reached down to her lower back. She was alone. She always was. She shooed something small near her head, though nothing could be seen. She laughed to herself and started dancing. She had a peculiar way of dancing, she had her both hands up and she waved them in so natural way that they could’ve been waves in the ocean.

She was wearing no shoes, she hardly ever did. The few people who ever talked to her usually just asked, if she was cold, without any shoes. She was a peculiar girl in every way.  She kept her wand behind her ear, she used radish earrings and she had a necklace made of Butterbeer bottles’ corks. She was always wearing colourful clothes, if possible, and she wasn’t afraid to show her nature to other people. She talked about things no one believed were true. Everyone was afraid to get to know her, because she was the weird girl.

There was someone, who thought she was interesting. The boy never dared to talk to her, thinking he would disturb her, but he loved to watch her. He was watching her now, smiling at her when she was dancing. The boy was a year older than the girl, and they were in different houses, so they had never really talked. One day the boy had just noticed the girl dancing in the school grounds, and he had started to watch her occasionally. He never dared to show himself, so he was just hiding behind the bushes.

But he didn’t notice that they girl had seen him. She wanted to talk to him, but she was sure she would just scare him away like everybody else she talked to. She liked it that someone saw her as an interesting person, and hoped that someday he could be her friend. She had no friends, but she was used to being alone. She was the only child and her father was a busy editor in chief of a magazine called the Quibbler. She admired her father, and wanted to be the editor of her father’s magazine later on. But she had normal girl dreams too; she wanted a boy to love her, to take care of her, to marry her. And she wanted to have friends.

She stopped dancing and looked at the bush behind which the boy was hiding. Now is your chance, she thought, you’ll never know if you don’t try. She put on her Spectrespecs and started walking towards the bush calmly, in her dreamy way, making it seem like she was returning to the castle. She stopped next to the bush and sat down next to the boy.

“Hey, “she said.

“Hey,” he answered shyly.

“What’s your name?” she asked him.

“I’m Neville. Neville Longbottom,” he answered looking embarrassed.

“Hey Neville, I’m Luna Lovegood,” she said, “but you might have heard about me as Looney Lovegood, ‘cause that’s what most people call me…”

“I like to watch you dance,” Neville confessed.

“I like to have you watching. You know your head’s full of Wrackspurts?” Luna asked.

“Full of what?”

“Wrackspurts. They're invisible. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy,” she explained taking off the Spectrespecs.

She got up and reached her hand towards him and pulled him up. They walked together to the castle talking rapidly.
Mitä tehdä, kun mikään ei tunnu enää miltään?
Mitä tehdä, jos tuntuu ettei jaksa enää elää?
Se on ihan helvetin hyvä kysymys.


  • ekoterroristi
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 3 663
  • "Oot pönttö :D <3" "ja ylpeä siitä! :D"
    • Sulkakynän rapinaa
Neville/Luna on kenties yksi söpöimmistä parituksista, mitä tiedän, joten oli ihan pakko lukaista tämä, kun satuin bongaamaan tämän puolivahingossa jostain! (: Tämä myös sopi molemmille kuin nenä päähän, koska Neville on ujo ja Luna hieman erikoinen, vaikka lopussa he sitten viimein jatkavatkin matkaansa yhdessä.

She had a peculiar way of dancing, she had her both hands up and she waved them in so natural way that they could’ve been waves in the ocean.
Tuo kursivoitu kohta on hieman hankalasti ilmaistu, kun sen voisi sanoa ihan vain 'so naturally' tai jos ihan välttämättä haluat käyttää tuon tyyppistä ilmaisua, niin 'in such a natural way'.

But he didn’t notice that they girl had seen him.
Tuonne on varmaankin vahingossa lipsahtanut the-artikkelin perään ylimääräinen y-kirjain.

“Hey, she said.
En tiedä yhtään, mitä tuossa on tapahtunut, mutta tuo jälkimmäinen lainausmerkki on jotenkin hassusti, kun vertaa sitä muihin lainausmerkkeihin tässä tekstissä.

Tykkäsin tästä kyllä, tämä oli tällainen lyhykäinen fluffyinen pätkä elosta Tylypahkassa, mikä oli ihan kivaa vaihtelua siihen, mitä niin usein saa lukea, kun kaikkialla on draamaa ja synkkyyttä. Joskus on ihan kiva lukea tarinaa siitäkin, kun kaikki on hyvin! (: Neville ja Luna olivat myös varsin omia itsejään tässä ficcissä, joten pisteet siitä! Tuo lopun dialogi oli myös kiva lisäys tähän, että tässä ei ollut ihan vain pelkkää kuvailua. (:

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