Title: The Girl in the Pool
Author: Winga
Characters: Me = Marie Green
The girl = Victoria Herbown
The lady in the phone
Rating: S
Genre: Drama
Disclaimer: Mun ovat.
Summary: I wasn't sure should I call help or not when I saw her in the pool.
A/N: Yöllistä tajunnanvirtaa englanniksi, jotain parituksetonta ystävyyssoopaa ja eräänlaista kokeilua. Teki kyllä hyvää kirjoittaa jotain englanniksi. Juu, lyhyt siitä kyllä tuli...
The Girl in the Pool
I wasn't sure should I call help or not when I saw her in the pool. She seemed to be so relaxed yet there was something wrong with her that caught my eye. She seemed to be too relaxed. I kept on watching for a minute or so until I knew I should call for help. Dialling 911 was easy, but when the lady that had answered started asking me questions, I was in trouble.
The lady: "What's wrong with her?"
Me: "..."
The lady: "I mean, does she breath?"
Me: "Well... I don't know."
The lady: "Well, what seems to be the trouble with her?"
Me: *ends the call*
After the disastrous call I decided to go to see the girl. I knew it’d be difficult as I saw the fence. “Oh shit,” I cursed. It was too high to be climbed over so I walked around to see if there was any other way for me to get in.
The yard and the house were both large and big, and I couldn’t find any entry until I was on the other side of the house. There was a gate and, luckily, it had been left open. I pushed it and then went on searching for the pool.
Now, as I had been outside, I did know where the pool was. The trouble was that now I was on the other side of the house and I wasn’t sure how long my route really was. So I walked and walked until I was on the other side of the house. I wondered how no one had come to ask me who I was and what I was doing on their yard, but that was my luck.
On the other side of the house I could see the pool and the girl in it. She wasn’t on the same place she’d been when I’d last seen her, but then again I didn’t see her from the same position as last time.
I started jogging towards the pool to see whether she needed my help or not. I was nearly certain that I’d find a dead body when I’d get to her.
As I got closer and closer to the pool I could see her body better. By the time I was next to the pool I knew she wasn’t dead. Actually she had changed her position as she’d noticed me and started talking almost immediately.
The girl: “Hello, miss..?”
Me: “Green.”
The girl: “Well, miss Green.... What are you doing here?”
Me: “Um... I saw you from there *points at the place where stood before* and you seemed to be dead.”
The girl: *laughing* “Dead?”
Me: *blushes* “Um... yeah.”
The girl: *getting of the pool* “Oh, my name is Victoria Herbown.” *gives out her hand*
Me: *shaking her hand* “Marie Green.”
The girl: “Well, what did you do after noticing me?”
Me: “I called 911... And after I understood I knew nothing about your condition, I hang up.”
The girl: “That sounds interesting. You normally do stuff like that?”
Me: “No, I normally act like a normal person.”
The girl: *smiling* “Well, I’m kind of happy you decided against that today. I was bored in every way today as no one is here with me and I am thankful that you came here to save me from most certain death of boredom.”
That way our conversation went on and on. I didn’t even once stop to think about how I had begun this conversation as it didn’t matter anymore. As it started to get dark I looked at my watch and understood that I had spent nearly six hours talking with this miss Herbown of whom I knew nothing.
Me: “Uh, I think I should get going. It’s already nine.”
Victoria: “Yeah... We’ll see tomorrow?”
Me: “Sure. It was nice talking to you, miss Herbown.”
Victoria: “’Twas nice talking to you too, miss Green.”
I left Victoria soon after that and went home to think about the day that had been the most extraordinary day in my life. I, a shy girl, had been able to talk to a complete stranger and, strangely, made friends with her.
The next few weeks we spent together and got to knew each other and later we were inseparable. And I know I will never forget that day I got to know her, the day when I met the girl in the pool.