Kirjoittaja Aihe: I do |S| Tom/Harry, fluffy, in English  (Luettu 1828 kertaa)


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I do |S| Tom/Harry, fluffy, in English
« : 15.01.2017 01:25:15 »
Nimi: I do
Kirjoittaja: Vlad
Ikäraja: S
Paritus: Tom/Harry
Genre: fluffy

A/N: Julkaisin tämän ficin AO3:n puolella jo aikaisemmin ja nyt sitten sain päädyttyä siihen tulokseen, että kai tämän voisi Finiinkin lykätä :D Tämä ei siis ole mitenkään ihmeellinen teksti, syntyi kello 1 yöllä tammikuun alkupuolella ja tämä on käsin kirjoitettu alunperin ja pitkälti tajunnanvirtainen. Oon tällä idealla ja suunnilleen samalla tausta-ajatuksella kirjoittanut myös Sirius/Remusta, mutta tää nyt halus ehdointahdoin kirjoittaa itsensä just tälläseks. Osallistuu sellaisiin haasteisiin kuin OTP10, Aakkoshaaste (I), Vuosi raapalehtien, Aina eka kerta, Otsikoinnin iloja (minäkertoja-otsikko) ja FanFic 100 (sanalla 086. Valinnat)

Harry had never thought it would come to this. To white robes and heady looks, exchanged from the opposite sides of the hall. He had never even dreamed about feeling that delectable Dark magic fill the room or seeing the lusty haze cloud the dark eyes he had learned to love. No, he had never been courageous enough to truly believe that his life could take so big turn for the better. He had always been the pitiful little boy from an abusive home, marred, marked - damaged beyond repair.

But all it had taken for him to find the place he belonged to, was a soul as damaged as his. That soul had belonged to Tom, whose life had been equally filled with pain and sorrow.

Now they were here,standing side by side and finally tying the knot.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, wish to take Tom Marvolo Riddle as your lawfully wedded husband in front of these witnesses, the Ministry and the Magic herself?"

Harry felt his breath hitch and tears threatened to leak over from where they were pooling in his eyes. As he met Tom's suspiciously shiny dark eyes, he smiled.

"I do."

"Do you, Tom Marvolo Riddle, wish to take Harry James Potter as your lawfully wedded husband - "

"I do."

There was no hesitation in his voice as it rang clear in the room. Harry couldn't help the teary laughter that escaped his lips as Tom leaned forward and sealed the ceremony with a kiss. Harry could feel how his heart gave a silly little flutter as he lost himself into the kiss.

For that moment, Harry could have sworn he was the happiest, the luckiest man on Earth to have secured himself such a catch.
I love not man the less, but N A T U R E more.




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Vs: I do |S| Tom/Harry, fluffy, in English
« Vastaus #1 : 15.01.2017 02:19:45 »
Well, this text caught my attention in the most recent posts, so I guess I'll have to comment then :D

To be quite honest, I've been in the fan fiction scene for such a short time that I haven't exactly found my way to all the possible character pairings, but Tom/Harry seems like quite a bizarre combination. Although that does create some prejudice in my thinking, somehow it feels really natural in the ficlet! Indeed, the way you put it (all it had taken for [Harry] to find the place he belonged to, was a soul as damaged as his) makes complete sense. I especially enjoyed how a certain detail, Tom's "suspiciously shiny dark eyes", were given focus on more than just one spot. It gives them a nice emphasis and strengthens the idea that they're a very captivating physical part of Tom's. No wonder Harry considers Tom to be "such a catch", haha. :)

Overall, I really like how your storytelling and descriptions in this text flow rather naturally. The first paragraph in particular was extremely enjoyable due to your beautiful adjective choices (delectable, lusty, courageous) - they have very strong meanings, which works nicely in conjunction with creating the atmosphere for the wedding scene altogether. One additional detail related to the wizard world wedding caught my attention: "--in front of these witnesses, the Ministry and the Magic herself?" I love the phrase 'the Magic herself' here, it really creates a nice idea of magic being an entity on its own. (Or I've misunderstood it, which is definitely a choice, since I'm feeling a bit tired and not all that bright right now!)

Overall, an interesting little text that was a nice introduction to the Tom/Harry scene for a newbie like me. As mentioned, it emphasized beautifully what makes the pairing work so intriguingly. Thanks, was a nice read! ^^


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Vs: I do |S| Tom/Harry, fluffy, in English
« Vastaus #2 : 17.01.2017 15:57:47 »
Helou! En edes yritä kirjoittaa kommenttia englanniksi..

Voisin melkein lainata koko tuon aiemman Blujin kommentin, koska se on aikalailla samaa, mitä itsekin ajattelen tästä. Tom/Harry on mielestäni hyvin kummallinen paritus, mutta tässä se oikeasti toimi, ja yllätyin siitä! Sanavalinnat oli kauniita ja englannin kieli oli oikein hyvää

But all it had taken for him to find the place he belonged to, was a soul as damaged as his. That soul had belonged to Tom, whose life had been equally filled with pain and sorrow.
Tämä oli se kohta, minkä jälkeen en ehkä ällönnytkään tätä paritusta enää niin paljon :D Tämähän käy järkeen oikein hyvin. Nyt haluan tätä lisää haluan tietää miten he edes päätyivät yhteen ja marssin varmaan tästä lukemaan lisää Tom/Harrya!

Kaikenkaikkiaan tämä oli oikein mukava, hirmuisen söpö ja hymyilyttävä pieni välipala :) Kiitoksia paljon tästä ajatusmaailmaani avartavasta lukuhetkestä!