Kirjoittaja Aihe: Like she was still there (K-11, drama, death, drabble, Mrs. Lovegood/ Xenophilius, In English)  (Luettu 1364 kertaa)


  • Hippie
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 186
Author: LunaLovegood (not the original one)
Rating: K-11 //zougati muokkasi ikärajan vastaamaan uusia ikärajoja
Pairing: Xenophilius/Mrs. Lovegood
Disclaimer: Hogwarts and its students aren't mine, they belong to our queen J.K. Rowling. :)
Challenge: One True Something 20 with the subject One True Character (Luna Lovegood)

She was there, lying on the floor motionless. Her dirty blond hair fanned out on the floor. Her open eyes showed panic of what was happening. Her face was dirty of soot. Her robes were torn and dusty.

The room looked like there had been an explosion. All the books and cauldrons were around the room as torn as possible. Silent sobbing was the only sound in the room. It was a girl, almost identical to the woman lying on the floor, in the corner of the room. She was about nine years old. Her robes were dusty and torn too, and there was shock on her face. She was afraid to go closer to the woman, afraid of what she’d see.

A man wrenched the door open, and saw immediately the woman on the floor. He knew she was dead. A single tear fell on his cheek when looking at his dead wife. He then heard the sobs of the girl, and raised her eyes to see his daughter. His hand flew on his mouth realizing that she had seen the death of her mother. He ran to the girl and embraced her tight, sobbing together with his young daughter.

After this Luna was never herself. She used to be a girl just like all others, but seeing the death of her mother she became weird, different, but in a good way. She believed her mother was watching her, and wanted to make her proud by spreading out her mother’s discoveries. His father did the same and continued as an editor to her wife’s magazine The Quibbler. It was almost like she was still there.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 29.05.2015 18:28:53 kirjoittanut zougati »
Mitä tehdä, kun mikään ei tunnu enää miltään?
Mitä tehdä, jos tuntuu ettei jaksa enää elää?
Se on ihan helvetin hyvä kysymys.