Kirjoittaja Aihe: The Boy and the Clown (englanniksi) K11  (Luettu 2165 kertaa)


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The Boy and the Clown (englanniksi) K11
« : 23.03.2010 20:12:10 »
// Alaotsikko: K11, one-shot

Nimi: The Boy and the Clown
Kirjoittaja: Emiliin1
Ikäraja: K11 (luulisin, aloittelijana en ole varma...)
Paritukset/hahmot: ei parituksia
Tyylilaji: Draama?
Yhteenveto: Chrisin veli kuolee ja hän eksyy metsään, jolloin eräs klovni löytää hänet. Chris's brother dies, and he gets lost in the woods, when a clown finds him.
Varoitukset: hahmo/hahmoja kuolee, mutta itse tapahtumasta ei juurikaan kerrota.
A/N: Suunniteltu ja kirjoitettu koeviikolla vapaa-aikana (mitähän sille kokeisiin lukemiselle tapahtui?  :D). Tekstin tarkistivat/lukivat läpi serkkuni, viisi kaveriani ja englanninopettajani.
Löytyy myös FictionPressistä:  ...varmaan yritän jossain välissä kääntää tämän myös suomeksi, mutta siinä kestää. Ilahdun suuresti jos joku kommentoi~

The boy and the clown

Year 1732, Stoneham village

A long time ago, in the 18th century, there was a small village called Stoneham. Huge woods surrounded that village.
There weren’t many people living in there, so it was hard to get any money from jobs. In a small house there lived a little boy, about ten years old, with his older brother, nineteen years old. They had had a sister too, but she had gotten ill and had died two years ago, since they didn’t have enough money for medicine, even though the older brother worked everyday. The little boy loved to play outside with his brother. He would always run around and do anything he could think of, and in the end, his brother had to carry him home since he was so tired. Then, the older brother fell ill as well.
He had to stay in bed, so the young boy tried to do everything he could to help him. But it wasn’t enough. After a week, he died. The few people in the village prepared a funeral for him.

After the funeral, the little boy went home, packed the things he thought as important:a few clothes, the rest of their money (which wasn’t a lot) and a picture of him and his brother.Then he left for the woods. He walked for two hours, and noticed that he was lost. He got scared and started to walk around. That got him even more lost. He decided to stop and rest a bit, since he was really tired. He sat under a tree and fell asleep almost right away. When he woke up, he almost shouted out loud. In front of him, there was a clown staring at him. Or not really staring. More like grinning at him. The clown smiled even wider and said, “Are you lost, little child?” The boy nodded lightly. “Would you like to come with me, I can show you the way home. I live in these woods, so just tell me the name of your village, and I’ll take you there.” the clown carried on and looked at the boy smiling. “No. I don’t want to go back,” the boy answered, almost crying. “Why, something wrong?” the clown asked, a bit confused. The boy told the clown about his brother and why he had left. “Ah. So that’s why. Well... Would you like to come live at my home? Or if not, there’s a village behind the woods, I could take you there.” the clown said.“Really? You would take me in?” the boy almost shouted. The clown nodded happily and they left to the clown’s house. The whole way there, the clown was whistling, jumping around and doing other funny things to cheer the boy up.

After a while they arrived to the house. It looked big in the boy’s eyes, since he’d been living in a really small house.
Inside there was a lot of stuff, including a shelf, which looked like the clown had made it himself. Suddenly, the clown spoke again. He took his mask off and looked at the boy. “So, what’s your name, boy?” the clown asked.“It’s Christopher.” the boy mumbled.“Is it okay if I call you Chris?” the clown said smiling, and Chris nodded.
I really didn’t expect to see a child in this forest. People usually don’t come here because of the story and me.
What do you mean? What story?” Chris was very confused. “You haven’t heard it? That’s odd, since it tells about your village. Well, I can tell you. Just wait a moment and I’ll go change clothesand then I’ll tell you.” The clown left to the other room.

Soon he came back wearing normal clothes, and he had washed the face-paint off too. The only thing that revealed him to be the clown was his clear white hair, which by the way, looked a little longer than before. He started braiding it and when the boy asked about it, he just said that it’s easier.

Then the clown sat down and started telling. Chris noticed that his smile was not as bright anymore. “So, people tell that a long time ago, in your village, there was a man and his eighteen-year-old son. The man was a doll maker. People used to buy dolls from him, since they were really beautiful. Then one day, his son got sick, and the doctor told them that he would die. The man was really sad and stopped making dolls. They also say that after his son died, he missed him so much that he made a doll that looked exactly like his son. The doll could move, speak, think and feel. No one knows how he did it. Soon the man died of the same illness that took his boy. It is said that the doll was chased to this forest, by the villagers of that time. They say that the doll still lives in here, and nobody wants to go near it.” he ended the story looking even sadder.

Um, mister clown...” Chris started. “Just call me Grave, it makes things easier.” the clown said smiling a little.
Okay, Grave, how does that have anything to do with you? Why are you letting people think you’re the boy?” he asked. “Well... You see... the story I just told you. It is true, and I’m the doll.” Grave said sadly and showed his elbow. “See, normal people don’t have ball joints, right?” he said smiling a little again. Then he spoke again.
So that’s why I am living in the forest and not in a village. People don’t want to see the doll-boy in their village.
Chris looked at the floor, walked to Grave and hugged him. Grave was really confused and didn’t know what to do. So he just patted the boy’s head and hugged him back. “Why were you dressed up as a clown?” Chris asked. “Well, I told you that legend already, but that has nothing to do with clowns.Before I was made, there were many people telling that they had seen a clown in the woods, and everybody was scared of it. Of course, there wasn’t any. At first, when I came here, and made a house, the villagers who had chased me out came and burned my house. Then I decided to make that outfit to keep them out of this forest. Thanks to the story, it worked, and nobody came here. Nowadays it’s just a habit to go out wearing it.” He answered. Chris kept silent for a while. Soon he yawned and they decided to go to sleep.
Next day, they went to the neighbor village Grave had been talking about.They bought some food and clothes. When they were returning, it started to snow. They took the stuff inside, and came back out.Chris ran around the house, and when he was behind it, Grave took the time as his advance to make a snowball. When the boy came back, he threw it at him. He missed, but it resulted in a snowball fight between the two.


Year 1741, the woods, clown’s house

“Alright, I’m ready here.” Chris said happily, as he finished fixing a chair.He was now nineteen years old, and still lived with Grave the doll. Grave had gone to get them some water from the village. Grave hadn’t changed much, since dolls don’t age. He still looked eighteen years old or so. Chris took the chair inside, and started doodling on a paper. He drew notes, and whistled for a bit. He didn’t notice Grave, who came inside with a huge water can. “Well, aren’t you happy today!” Grave laughed, startling him.Chris looked up from his notes and stopped whistling. “Don’t scare me like that!” He shouted and started to laugh.“I didn’t mean to, but it seems you were so concentrated on those notes that you didn’t notice me coming at all. What is that song, by the way?” Grave said and grinned back.“It’s a song my brother used to sing all the time, when I was little. It is playing in my head so I decided to write it down now that I still remember how it goes. It’s got lyrics too, but I already wrote them down yesterday.” Chris answered.He returned his gaze to the paper again and drew the rest of the notes. At the same time, he whistled the same song. “Sounds good.” Grave commented, after he’d finished. He smiled and showed Grave the lyrics.

Next morning, Chris woke up and as usual, Grave had woken up before him. He didn’t remember many times when he’d seen Grave asleep. He was actually wondering if Grave even really slept. Of course he did. Just not as much as he did. When he was fully awake, he went outside, and heard a song from somewhere. He knew it was Grave there singing, but he had no idea where he was.

Chris searched for him, and finally found him on the roof. When Grave noticed him, he stopped singing and said good morning to Chris. “I see you really liked that song.” Chris said with a grin on his face. “Oh, you heard it. Oh well... Can’t help it. Got to go and find a better place to hide next time,” Grave joked.

Next day, Chris got a surprise. He woke up before Grave. Actually, They both slept quite late, and he even had a bit trouble trying to wake the sleeping doll up. They both went to sleep early, but the same happened next morning.

Grave was tired for the whole day, and he was just as surprised as Chris. He was more and more tired every day. Because of that, Chris started to feel scared.He didn’t know what was wrong with Grave.Of course, it wasn’t like Grave had given up; he was still doing many things, just more tired.He even fell asleep during writing or reading sometimes. It couldn’t be due to an illness, since he couldn’t get sick.

One day, not long after that weirdness had started, Chris went to the village to get water and food. He even bought some medicines, just in case.When he came back, he noticed that everything was silent. Not even the birds were chirping anymore.He went inside the house, feeling anxious. When he entered the kitchen, he dropped all the things he was carrying because of the surprise.

Sitting next to the wall, there was Grave. He wasn’t moving, or even breathing. His eyes were glassy, and his long, white hair was on his face.There was still a smile on his face, and his head was leaning towards the floor. He looked like a wooden doll, not dead, but not alive either. Chris walked to him, and noticed a piece of paper held in his hand. He took the paper, and read the message in it. As he read further, he felt his eyes get watery, and he hugged Grave, crying. He couldn’t believe Grave wasn’t there. He stayed there, sitting next to Grave, reading the message again and again.

It seems that I have reached my end,
and now I’m going to break at last.
I have been really happy during these years living with you,
and I hope you have as well.
I wish I could stay here longer, but I don’t have a choice.
Please don’t be sad.
I hope you will have a good life from now on too.
Good Bye, Chris.


I think I’m lost. Where did mom and dad go? I want to go home!
That’s what I was thinking.
I went to the woods, and got myself lost.
I remember it really clearly, even though it’s been five years already, and I’m thirteen now.
When I had walked for a while, I saw a person standing behind a tree.
He was dressed in a clown’s outfit, and a mask.
He had noticed me, and came towards me, brushing his brown hair with his hand.
When he was in front of me, he smiled and asked:
Are you lost? I can take you to your village, but please don’t tell anyone about me, okay?

The end
« Viimeksi muokattu: 06.12.2014 13:56:09 kirjoittanut Pyry »


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Vs: The Boy and the Clown (englanniksi)
« Vastaus #1 : 08.11.2010 17:11:28 »

Tämä oli aivan älyttömän herttainen fikki, kiitos siitä. Varsinkin Graven "kuolema" oli hienosti kuvattu (valtavasti plussaa siitä, etteä nukke ei "kuollut" vaan "meni rikki")

Lyö jos olen väärässä, mutta ilmeisesti Chris jäi metsään ja alkoi pukeutua pelleksi ja jatkoi näin tarua. Hieno lopetus (vaikka tylsä ihminen saattaisi epäillä psykologin tarvetta...)

Historiallisten faktojen pilkunviilausosastolta sen verran, että 1700-luvulla varsinkin köyhän perheen kymmenvuotias poika olisi ollut töissä jo muutaman vuoden sen sijaan että olisi saanut leikkiä. Köyhässä perheessä tuskin olisi ollut varaa myöskään piirrättää kuvaa veljeksistä, koska paperi ja pergamentti olivat kalliita.

Kieli oli hyvää ja virheetöntä, mutta olisin kaivannut laajempaa synonyymien käyttöä rikastamaan sitä (esim housen olisi hyvin voinut korvata välillä hutilla).

Kaiken kaikkiaan tämä oli kuitenkin toimiva ja hieno tarina.

(On muuten älyttömän vaikea kommentoida suomeksi englanninkielistä fikkiä)
Stand up and fight!
Stand up and look into the light
Pushing the clouds away
Stand up and fight!
Stand up and see the sky turn bright
Fight for a better day

Stand up and fight!